It’s always a challenge finding something for your man for his birthday. But once you have kids, you have the added pressure of finding something to give your other half from them too. And they often have their own opinion on what they want to give their dad too! Therefore, here … [Read more...]
Old Time Shave with New Age Comfort
(There are affiliate links in this post) One of the hottest trends right now is for men to be pampered by going to a shave bar. These are great for men to be pampered once a month and they can now understand why us ladies need the spa, manicures, and pedicures once a month. … [Read more...]
Mastering Male Grooming
If you're a man and you're not taking care of your face - then, well, you need to take care of that handsome face! You see, the most impeccably groomed men on the planet don't just roll out bed and look as good as they do, no! They have a routine, they take care of their face … [Read more...]
Men, It’s Time To Reclaim Your Sense of Adventure
It’s not all that easy in this day and age for men to express their rudimentary notions of traditional masculinity. The old school way of being, where you could throw off the constraints of modern life and find your sense of adventure has been, if not quite silenced, then at … [Read more...]
The Shoestring Gentleman
Image source There has been a certain myth circulating for a few years now, a myth that states you can’t dress like a gentleman without spending a small fortune. Well, that is nonsense. Looking in the mirror and feeling like a million dollars can be done on a … [Read more...]