Cancer has affected so many people and many of us have either experienced it first hand or have known someone who had it. It does not discriminate against gender, age, or race. It’s so refreshing when you hear about a survivor’s story and you don’t need to know them personally to stand in the corner to cheer them on.
One of these stories is about Peggy Sue Roberts, a 10-year, stage-4 cancer survivor. Her survival story starts with having two months to live to being a 10-year cancer survivor by using natural cancer treatments. She since has started, with her family, to share what they have learned during their quest to Cancer Free Living.

I do understand that most people in their late stage 3 or stage 4 cancer opt to use the treatments their doctors prescribe. Our minds our spinning and it’s so hard to get our thoughts straight.
I’m extremely lucky because I don’t have cancer but I did watch a loved one die from it and my wish is that nobody else ever has to go through that. At the time of my sister’s death, natural cancer treatment was rarely talked about and if you did talk about it, people thought you were crazy. We looked into it briefly and opted for the traditional treatment of chemotherapy. We watched my sister deteriorate from the chemo and eventually pass.
Cancer Free Living has alternative options for cancer patients and gives you so much valuable information such as; Top 5 Treatments, Costs, How to Fund Alternative Treatments, and Success Rates.
Today we read survivor story after survivor story and Peggy Sue’s story is a story we all need to read. We need to be educated about what natural treatment can do to overcome cancer and not rush into taking highly toxic protocols such as chemotherapy.
I encourage you or someone you care about who has cancer and are in need of professional help, to read Peggy Sue’s story and fill out the “contact-us form“. can shine as a source of education and actionable advice.
I end this post with a beautiful photo of Lake Tahoe. Nature is so beautiful because it takes care of itself. I also think Peggy Sue’s story is something beautiful and I’m in her corner cheering as well as rooting for everyone else who is going through this challenging time.
**The statements made on have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The content published by this website is intended for educational purposes only, it should not be construed as dispensing medical advice or making claims regarding the cure of diseases. You should always consult with a medical professional.**

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