If you’re thinking about trying to lose weight then you are probably going to turn to a fitness junkie you know for advice and support. After all, there’s going to be no better way to lose weight then potentially speaking to someone who spends day after day working out in the gym. They might have even already been down this road before and could be aware of the struggles you’re going to face. For instance, they could tell you all about the 2 am chocolate cravings. Believe it or not, these are real and will leave you wondering how on earth you can live your life without all the delicious treats you have depended on for years.
Be aware that if you have been eating chocolate and fatty foods for years, it can be nothing short of an addiction. That does mean that you could and probably will experience some form of withdrawal symptoms. That’s an example of what a fitness junkie will tell you, but what about the things they won’t? Here are some of the tidbits that they’ll probably leave out of a weight loss challenge that you should be aware of.
It’s Easier For Some Than Others
This is absolutely true. Some people do find it easier to lose weight compared to others. This is largely based on genetics and metabolism. Now, while you certainly don’t have any control over one, you do have a certain level of power over the other. You can, with the right steps change your metabolism and ultimately ensure that your body drops pounds faster and absorbs less of the fat that you consume. Ultimately, you might be able to have your burger and eat it too so to speak. But how do you do this?
Well, there are a few ways that you can increase your metabolism. For instance, you can consume foods that are high in protein. This is going to help you build muscle rather than fat and will change your metabolism for just a few hours. That’s more than enough time to squeeze in a workout or even consume a good hearty meal after a solid couple of hours at the gym.
Alternatively, there are simpler options such as drinking a large glass of cold water or perhaps getting a good night sleep. Both can lead to great boosts in your metabolism and ensure that it is easier for you to lose weight, even over a short period.
So, why do the fitness pros not mention this? Well, some prefer people to think that it took them a lot of work and effort to get in shape. The reality is that they might just have been born lucky.
It Can Cause Excess Skin And Stretch Marks
You can lose weight fast and we do mean fast. It is possible to drop the pounds in a few months or even a few weeks. But your body isn’t quite as flexible to this type of change as you might hope. It’s possible to drop the fat and for the excess skin to be left behind. This can happen when you go from a size 16 to a size four and we have to say that it’s not a particularly pleasant sight. Ultimately, you might actually prefer the fat but that’s okay because you can fix this issue. You just need to explore a lower body lift. Be aware that this is the only way to get rid of the excess skin caused by fast weight loss. It will not typically revert back to normal overtime.
The other issue that you should be aware of is going to be stretch marks. If you’re lucky, stretch marks will appear as thin white lines on your body. But they can also be red marks or even indents. Again, this is going to depend on genetics. If you do find that you get stretch marks, this will again be because you have lost weight and built up muscle too fast. To avoid this, you need to lose weight at a steady, slightly slow rate. There are steps that you can take here such as rubbing lemon juice on the marks. This does work a charm and will cause the marks to fade.
It’s Not The End
Finally, you might think that losing weight is the end of your fitness struggle. Unfortunately, this is not the case and you do have to watch out for the issue of yo-yo dieting. Here you’ll take the weight off only to put it back on in a few months. Once you get to your ideal weight, you will need to work to maintain it.