As a parent there is nothing you want more then to see your child succeed. My wife & I are firm believers that early childhood learning & development is paramount in setting our son up for success. As soon as he began to speak my wife was teaching him numbers & letters. One of his favorite things to do was play with his wooden blocks that had letters, numbers, shapes, colors & pictures of animals on them. We began by showing him the blocks and simply telling him what each side was. Soon enough he began to remember & we would line multiple blocks up in front of him then ask him to find a number and he would pick out which block it was on! As he got older we began to count everything from how many pieces of food to how many animals we pass when we take a walk. Making it a game keeps him engaged & wanting to learn more. I was happy to be included in this campaign and be able to share my fun idea with you.
Do you have a special or unique way that you taught your child?
Visit to share your idea about how to teach math concepts, in 100 words or less.

We spend a lot of time in the car and go on road trips with the kids. One of the ways that I taught my youngest counting was counting cars. We count red cars and blue cars then add them together. He can keep this going for a long time and then switch up the colors.
We did a lot of counting in the car too! My kids learned how to count backwards too (we used the exit signs) LOL
When we are at the park I will count while I am pushing my boys in the swing
Love that idea!
Today with all the cool apps I kind of wish my kids could have tried but i Have a small nephew so this be a great gift