Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt like you aged ten years overnight. You probably caught a glance of the person staring back at you in the mirror and wondered who on earth it was. It couldn’t be you. You don’t have those deep wrinkles under your eyes, and your hair was never that thin. Those blemishes weren’t there last night, and the loose skin under your arms is definitely not yours. We all have those days, and the fact is that if you want to feel young, you need to look it. To do this, we need to think about the key features that give away our age. If we look after these areas of ourselves, we can shave at least a few of the years off.
Let’s See That Smile
Pearly white, straight teeth are almost always related to the idea of beauty and youth. This might be due to the fact that as we get old, our teeth naturally use that white shade and start to turn yellow. Eventually, of course, they fall out, but we’re talking years and years down the road. Unless of course you have the signs mentioned on http://www.everydayhealth.com/dental. If you find that your teeth are looking a shade more yellow, you have some options. You can change your diet to cut out foods that stain your teeth, like coffee. If you are a regular coffee drinker, you will find your teeth start to look permanently stained. But you can get them fixed with a procedure offered by sites like http://www.dentistrywithtlc.com/cosmetic-dentistry/. Here you’ll find plenty of information on the possibilities of cosmetic dentistry. You might also want to think about how straight your teeth are. You can get nine-month smile therapy that will straighten your teeth slowly but surely.
Wrinkles Be Gone
Wrinkles are caused by your skin started to lose its elasticity. We bet you didn’t know there are techniques to keep your skin tough and bouncing back for longer. To do this, tilt your head to the ceiling keeping your back straight. Then open and close your mouth ten times. You’ll feel the skin pulling into place and tightening. That’s exactly what you want. By doing this regularly, you can even get rid of that infamous double chin.
Skin Looking Like Leather
If your skin is starting to show signs of age and even losing its color, sunlight is your natural enemy. Now, while we’re not suggesting that you should avoid the sun like a vampire, you should be wearing sunscreen. In fact, some experts suggest that you wear sunscreen even when it’s not hot outside. If the sun is out, ultra-violet rays of light can still damage your skin. With some sunscreen, you can avoid this and keep your skin younger for longer.
Food Babies And Other Unfortunate Shapes
Have you started to develop a permanent food baby? This is a flabby pouch of fat just over your stomach that never disappears. It’s one of the key signs of getting older, but exercise will help. A a few sit-ups each morning and you’ll still be toned well into your fifties. You can find out more about getting rid of excess fat on https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/.
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