This post, samples & prizing are provided by Anchor Bay Entertainment but all opinions are my own —
Some families have literally gone through hell and back. They’ve had everything taken away including their life. They say Patience is a virtue. Imagine waiting decades and fighting with everything you had to reclaim your heritage and seek justice for what happened to your family? That’s just what Maria Altmann, played by Academy Award winner Helen Mirren, did.
Woman In Gold Available on Blu-ray™, DVD & Digital HD on July 7th is a powerful film based on a true story of one woman’s journey to reclaim her heritage and seek justice for what happened to her family. Sixty years after she fled Vienna during World War II, an elderly Jewish woman, Maria Altmann (Helen Mirren), starts her journey to retrieve family possessions seized by the Nazis, among them Gustav Klimt’s famous painting Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I. Together with her inexperienced but plucky young lawyer Randy Schoenberg (Ryan Reynolds), she embarks upon a major battle which takes them all the way to the heart of the Austrian establishment and the U.S. Supreme Court, and forces her to confront difficult truths about the past along the way.
WOMAN IN GOLD is rated PG-13 for some thematic elements and brief strong language with a running time of 109 minutes. Blu-ray™ and DVD special features include “The Making of WOMAN IN GOLD,” “Feature commentary with Director Simon Curtis and Producer David M. Thompson” and “Stealing Klimt Documentary Trailer,” with an additional piece “Neue Galerie New York Press Conference” available on the Blu-ray™ and Digital Download.
Amazing Cast
Starring: Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Bruhl, Katie Holmes, Charles Dance, Elizabeth McGovern, Frances Fisher
Directed by: Simon Curtis
In honor of Maria’s fight we’re having a giveaway
One (1) winner will receive:
· $50 Visa Gift Card to mark your moments in history
valued at $84.99
Open to US mailing addresses only.
Prizing provided by Anchor Bay Entertainment
Check out the trailer here
For More info on this incredible film
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My family has overcome a lot of adversity but we stay strong always trusting GOD , we know we have HIS protection and even though things might not go the way we want them or difficult situations arise, HE has the best plan for our life
Trusting in God is a great way to think. Stay strong and may god bless you and your family!
My grandfather fought in the war.
He is our hero- Thank you to your grandfather
Something wonderful about my family? Well, my cousin just backed out of performing on the Miss USA pageant because of Donald Trump’s comments about Mexicans. He received a great deal of press last week because of it. It’s amazing to read about him on so many web sites and the last time I saw him he was a charismatic 11 year old kid.
Something about my family, one of my relatives fought in WWI & WWII, which I recently learned, and my dad was in the army, and a lot of my other family member where in the military.
Now that’s a serving family! Without them we wouldn’t have such a great country!
I also posted a comment on this post: “Doctors Now Make House Calls at Amwell”
Something wonderful would be my husbands great grandfather settled in NH from Russia and was known as a great inventor.
That is wonderful! Do you know what inventions he created?
My dad survived Vietnam. I think that’s pretty wonderful!
That is pretty wonderful. Thank goodness he’s here with us and please tell him thank you for his courage and service!
My grandparents endured the internment camps and came out stronger.
These stories always amaze me. What our families have endured and never complain and just love life!
My mother is the youngest of twelve children. I think it is amazing that her parents were able to raise twelve kids!
HA I think it’s amazing too! Nowadays we think four is a lot. I bet your mom is spoiled!
My great grandfather on my dad’s side came from Italy where his family owned a shipping fleet, but he came to the US to escape an arranged marriage.
It always amazes me how people will go to another country and find their way. We also have people from Italy and we heard about arranged marriages- Can you imagine!
My great grandmother is still alive and my great grandmother is a great great grandmother to my niece.
Isn’t it wonderful to have so many generations alive. I hope you have a family picture!
My grandfather grew up in the circus as the son of a Pennsylvania Dutch farmer and a Chipewa native american. They took care of the animals and performed as clowns.
That is soooo cool! I always wanted to be in the circus. What kid didn’t.
My father is the oldest son of nine children and I’m the fifth generation teacher in the family.
I love that you’re all teachers and god bless your grandparents- NINE!
Oh boy…my family is not that interesting. My great grandparents came from Poland…that’s about as interesting as it gets
That’s very interesting. Coming to a new country and settling is major guts. I’m nervous about moving to another state
My Great Grandmother came across the plains with the early settlers of the Mormon church. She could still tell the tale about it when she was 100 years old!
wow 100 yrs old! I couldn’t imagine traveling across the plains- I hate flying and that’s only hours
My grandfather was one of those who liberated Europe from fascists.
Wow that’s amazing. He’s a hero for so many!
My father is a war hero.
Tell your dad thank you- he’s our hero too!
Commented here
My great grandfather left his wealthy Polish family to marry his family’s maid here in America.
Now that’s LOVE!
Something great about my family history is that many of the men in my family have served in the US military and showed lots of strength and courage.
Please tell them all thank you!
Commented on non-giveaway post as Janet W.
This is going to be so incredible to watch. So touching. My Nana literally had to go through so much growing up. She was the oldest of 10 kids and was basically the mother. She ended up losing her mother at the age of 24. I don’t know how she did it, but she is so amazing. Also, my grandfather escaped Germany and fled to America!
My grandparents met as teens, their fathers owned “rival” restaurants on the same street. Its a long story but for two weeks my grandpa had to work off a punishment and had to go to her restaurant as repayment. Thats how they got to know each other better. lol I always get a kick out of thinking of it.
My Family Has Many Generations Of Men And Women Fighting For The Freedom Of This Country Through Serving The Army.
My Dad and his family left Germany during the upset in the 1940’s and came to America. I am glad that they all traveled to America and that I was born here!
Link to my comment
My father was born in Italy, came here when he was 21, making me, 1st generation; my mother’s family came in the late 1800s trough Ellis Island. Just average people looking for a better life and who all came legally.
jslbrown2009 at aol dot com
A lot of the men on both sides of my family have fought for our country in multiple wars in the Air Force and Navy. My family originated in England.
I am related to Jesse James.
Ok that is the coolest thing ever!
Several of my family members have been in the military, and my grandpas fought in the war.
Both of my grandpa’s went into WWII on d-day. They are my heroes.
My grandmother ran away from home after she lost her family in a fire. Thank you for the giveaway!
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My grandmother was an American Indian and I am the baby of twelve children born to my parents.
We have a lot of native american Indian in our family history.
We have a long line of magicians in our family history.
Both of my grand fathers came from Germany.
Their dads told them to go to America it’s not safe where they are.
thank you
One of our family members waaaay back when helped ferry George Washington’s army across the Delaware River for a surprise attack at Trenton in December 1776.
My grandmother came over to america by herself when she was a teenager.
My grandfather came over when he was a young adult to open a shoe store.
My father was in vietnam and my brother was in the Gulf war. I am so proud of them both.
Commented on a non-giveaway post:
My maternal grandmother has a really mixed heritage, her mother was Native American and never spoke much English and her father (my grandmother’s) had a white father. So we have a very mixed heritage.
My great-grandparents immigrated to NY from Sicily.
Entered the Rafflecopter as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 AT gmail DOT com
My Dad’s parents died young so he was bounced around to various family members until he wound up on an uncle’s ranch.
My both my grandmother’s were orphan’s and both were raised in a convent, raised by nuns. This has tracking our family history much more difficult
we are o f Irish descent and we come from royalty
Great family history for us is that we have several men who have served in the military & my grandfather fought in the war!
My grandparents did lots of charity work.
My great grandfather hand crafted leg braces for children at a local hospital.
My grandfather was a veteran and fought for our country.
Unfortunately I do not know much of my family’s history.
Many members of my family have served in the military.
My grandfather fought in WWII in Italy
My great grandmother lived in Italy and her passage was paid for by her fiance via an arranged marriage. However, on the boat over, she met a handsome accordion player and married him before the ship docked in America. That was my great grandfather!
My great uncle fought in WWII and my great great grandfather won some award for filmography,
I believe we are related to a very old Persian Dynasty.
My grandfather was a clerk at the Nuremberg Trails.
An interesting piece of family history is that my paternal grandfather moved to the US from Russia during, and because of the Russian Civil war in the early 1900’s
My family are descendants from the Choctaw Indians.
My mom’s side of the family has lived in the same region of Texas for the past 140 years. Meaning they’ve been under many different flags throughout history.
The Battle of Bunker Hill was actually fought on Breeds Hill in Boston. My family were the Breeds of Boston who owned Breeds Hill.
I know NOTHING about my family history… so I have nothing gooood to say !:( boooo
My 5 foot tall grandmother was a mail-order bride for my 6′ 6″ grandfather. She took a train to meet him. They went straight from the train station to the justice of the peace. They were so crazy about each other and were married 50 years when grandpa passed away.
I actually don’t know anything about my family history.
I don’t know a lot of our history but I’m proud of my families military service.
I don’t know much about far-back in my family history, but my Dad and his Dad both served in the military.
My father game to America a few years before I was born.
My long distant ancestors (two cousins) on my mother’s side named Ruggles & Hall encountered John Wilkes Booth on the roadside in Virginia as he fled 12 days after after having assassinated President Lincoln. It is they who directed the Union soldiers in pursuit to the barn where Booth was killed and his accomplice captured. Ironically they were both recently decommissioned and were walking home (to Massachusetts!) so were considered not entitled to any of the bounty that was paid out by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.
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