I’m in my early 40s. I got here unexpectedly. This decade introduced me to being a caregiver for my grandma who is literally twice my age. During the early stages it was sorta nostalgic. I would give her pedicures and be amazed that her toes were MY toes, only double the tenure.
Then one morning, it all changed. She called me and I could tell something was wrong. There was an echo in the background which immediately had me asking, “Grandma, where are you?”
“In the bathroom at work.” At the time she was working full-time in girl’s apparel at Wal-mart.
“What’s happening?” I inquired.
“My insides are coming out!” she exclaimed.
“Like you have bad diarrhea?”
“No. I have to keep poking my insides back up inside me.”
“Um….I’m pretty sure that’s NOT supposed to happen. I’ll come get you to go to the doctor.” I said, trying to keep my voice even.
“No. I can’t miss work.”
“But you just said your insides are coming out! This probably warrants missing some work. Don’t you think?”
“Okay. Well, I’m going to call your doctor and tell him what’s going on and make an appointment. If he says you have to come in today, you’ll have to leave work.”
It’s agreed.
I called the doctor and we are scheduled for the next day. She’ll be seeing the OB-GYN that delivered my Beauty Queen.
At the appointment, we’re told Grandma has experienced vaginal prolapse. I have never heard of this, but when I’m told “it’s common” I can barely hold it together!
For those of you who don’t know about vaginal prolapse:
A vaginal prolapse is a condition in which structures such as the uterus, rectum, bladder, urethra, small bowel, or the vagina itself may begin to prolapse, or fall out of their normal positions. Without medical treatment or surgery, these structures may eventually prolapse farther and farther into the vagina or even through the vaginal opening if their supports weaken enough.
The symptoms that result from vaginal prolapse commonly affect sexual function as well as bodily functions such as urination and defecation. Pelvic pressure and discomfort are also common symptoms.
Approximately 30%-40% of women develop some presentation of vaginal prolapse in their lifetime, usually following menopause, childbirth, or a hysterectomy. Most women who develop this condition are older than 40 years of age. Many women who develop symptoms of a vaginal prolapse do not seek medical help because of embarrassment or other reasons. Some women who develop a vaginal prolapse do not experience symptoms.
Initially, Grandma was treated with a “donut” that pushed the parts back up into her and filled the void where they were falling. In the last year, she’s had surgery to correct the issue and she is doing well.
This all made me realize the importance of taking care of my body. Sure, there’s eating well and exercise, but more than jumping jacks. Part of every woman’s regiment should be taking care of her feminine needs. Unfortunately, it’s not something we talk about. There’s not a whole lot of education out there being shoved at us to explore. It took my grandma’s demise to make me aware that my “insides” could fall out. I curse my mother sometimes, thinking she should be here taking care of grandma, but then I’d have another 20 years before I learned anything about my body and age.
Thanks to Ivana Sedic, that education is being made available to us with solutions to our feminine needs. IN 2009, Sedic started Intimina. Her close relationship with LELO, gave her inspiration and concluded that woman needed a reputable company with standards that we could turn to and take care of our feminine well-being. Now, a globally recognized company, not only providing items that aim at a woman’s intimate needs, but also a company where we, as women can turn to find the resources and facts that allow us to enjoy every aspect of our femininity.
In the doctor’s office with grandma, I asked a lot of questions. I was told that Kegel Exercises can help make those walls and vaginal muscles stronger. Anyone who has been pregnant knows that Kegels are simple muscle contractions that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Not only are the great for preparing our body for childbirth, they also help us maintain bladder control.
While we may not always be able to do jumping jacks, Kegels help women through various stages of our lives. It’s never too soon or too late to start. The benefits are worth the small effort.
As part of Sedic’s mission to empower women, Intimina has designed The Laselle Kegel Exerciser. It’s a discreet, smooth silicone ball that’s safe to use. Simply select one of three weighte4d balls, depending on current pelvic strength and insert into the vagina. This gives your muscles a solid object to contract around making each kegel more effective. As you build strength in your pelvic floor, purchase a heavier ball for more resistance and keep working the muscles.
I was a bit nervous when I initially started this review. I know that having had twice the children as my grandmother, my pelvic floor is probably in need of attention. Insertion was a cinch and after a few seconds I didn’t really know it was there. There was no discomfort. The ball responds with the body as it moves and nearly forces the pelvic floor muscle to contract. It doesn’t hurt.
Intimina offers a solution for anyone who may experience dryness with the Intimina moisturizer. It’s a water-based product fortified with aloe vera. It’s alcohol, glycerin and paraben free. It can be applied internally on a daily basis to help allieviate dryness, prior to intimacy or even externally as a gentle and hydrating lotion. It is not greasy, which is something I appreciate!
Save yourself a prolapse, or even incontinence by exercising your pelvic floor muscles. It’s easy, discreet and will benefit you long into your years. Intimina products are available through their website, CVS.com and Drugstore.com
Learn step by step kegel floor exercises
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”.

I experienced uterine prolapse not long after having my first child back in 1990. I was only 19. The weight of pregnancy and then the stress of childbirth weakened the muscles surrounding my uterus, causing it to fall out of place. It caused horribly excruciating (stabbing) pain to the point I could not stand upright. My doctor originally thought I had Endometriosis but during laproscopic surgery he found that my uterus had dropped out of place. He then stitched it back up (I still do not know if that vaginal mesh product you see advertised by attorneys on tv was used since I haven’t seen that doctor). After having two additional children I was forced back into surgery again because my uterus dropped a second time. This condition causes pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse as well. You definitely can not ignore it! Now that I’m older (41), I’m still experiencing pain and am contemplating a hysterectomy to finally be free from the condition. If anyone reading your story is experiencing any kind of pelvic pain, they should see a doctor. It is not normal and you shouldn’t have to just live with it. Thanks for bringing this up Rachel. I’m lucky that my organs have stayed within my body but the pain alone is enough to make you want to crawl into a corner and dig your nails into the walls. I wish your family well. God Bless! ~ Dee (@MyBellaMia)
Thank you for telling your story. I think these topics are needed for us over 40 but it’s important to educate the young women so they are educated on how to prevent it and also to know there’s plenty of support here! I’ll be looking for you on Twitter!
The first time I heard of this was early last year. I am so glad to see more talk about it to help spread the word so women can be informed. And I hate to admit that the only time I ever did Kegels was when I was pregnant. Should probably start those back up huh.
I agree that we have to start talking about these things and girl get going on your kegels!
It’s really good of you to post about this topic, helping women to understand what’s happening to their bodies as we age is a good thing, teaching them ways to prevent this from happening is even better!
Jean- I totally agree- thanks so much for coming by!
Thank you for this post as I was not aware of this conidition. I knew Kegels were important but even more so now. I want my insides to stay inside forEVER.
Glad you read this and will now be doing your kegels
They help in many ways (wink)
Wow, you know I have heard about Vaginal Prolapse, and I’ve even seen photographs and thought to myself, O-M-G how awful. Now after reading this, I’m thinking that it is better to be prepared than to sit around and think that it couldn’t/wouldn’t impact me. Thank you for always posting topics that provide information to women, that we can connect with and learn from, it really is a contribution and you are becoming quite the resource for me! Vaginal Prolapse, NO WAY, the whole point of insides is that they’re meant to be IN!
holy moly, being a woman is not easy. I have heard of this recently and will look into the new way to strengthen those muscles. I hear that is can be very painful when your insides are falling out! thansk for sharing about this!
Wow I’ve never heard of this but it sounds absolutely awful. I am going to ask my doctor the next time I am there. What a horrible thing.
Very informative and I love her honesty!
Ever since my hysterectomy, I feel like my body is coming apart and now reading this article about the occurrence, I am going to become more consciously aware of it.
Hello.This post was extremely interesting, especially since I was browsing for thoughts on this matter last Saturday.
I’m so glad I came across this article especially Dee’s post about her experience. I am 28 years old and have been experiencing this “stabbing” pain in my lower abdomen or vagina, and my uterus seems to be descending down, even though I’ve never been pregnant. The pain comes and goes and is more severe during or after intercourse to the extent I can’t even sit up. I started doing keggels a few weeks back and have noticed a lot of difference (positive). I also intend to see a doctor about the pain, avoid heavy lifting, and try loosing some weight as i understand being overweight predisposes you to pelvic organ prolapse.
I’m sorry that you’re going through that but glad to know you’re going to the doctors and doing your keggels! Hope all gets better it’s a horrible thing to go through.