Pregnancy can be a very emotional time. Your body s going through many changes, and you are not always going to be on top of the world, despite thinking that this is how you are supposed to feel. The reality of pregnancy can be very different from your expectations. First, your changing body will have a mental and emotional effect. You may also be feeling unwell and, as time progresses, uncomfortable to boot. Not to mention all the worry with becoming a mother. If this is for the first time, then you are unsure of what to expect as a mother and will question yourself and your choices too. All this can damage your confidence and lower your self-esteem. To help you find ways to boost your self-esteem, here are a few ideas:
Develop a Positive Mindset
Yes, it’s true your body is changing, and yes, you may be feeling ill and experiencing things you never knew you would experience, but it is all for the very best reason. In a few short months, you are going to have a baby, and you will regret not embracing pregnancy more. Your partner maybe even more in love with you too, if that’s possible. Unfortunately, time changes us anyway. No one at fifty has the body they did at twenty, and not having a child for vanity will seem pretty silly then. So, set aside all those pre-pregnancy body hang-ups and focus int the amazing thing your body is doing, creating life. Additionally, try and wipe all those worries about not being a good mother from your mind. If you are worried about this, the chances are you are going to be a great mother anyway. Besides, being a mother is part of your natural instinct it is your biological purpose for being. So, it is highly unlikely that you will be a bad mother. Think about your baby’s first smile, them laughing, their first words, etc.. There is so much good that will come out of pregnancy.
Stay as Active as You Can
You are pregnant, not ill, and having a few extra pounds is no excuse to completely disregard your exercise regime. It may need tweaking a bit, more walks as opposed to runs, and ensure you always listen to your body. But you will regret not doing any exercise until after the birth if exercise is important to you. Besides a bit of exercise is good for your baby anyway, unless you have been told by a doctor not to do it. You should never feel that focusing on your health is inappropriate, even if you are pregnant.
Seek Help
If you are having any serious emotional issues or any bad physical pain like back pains you should seek medical help, like a pregnancy chiropractor or a counselor. Maybe all you need to get you back on the straight and narrow. Maybe just confiding in a close friend or family member will be enough. Remember you have your partner too, try not to hide anything from them as you are in this together.