Tiny house living isn’t for everyone, but for those who have embraced this lifestyle, it has revolutionized everything about the way they live. With tiny house living, homeowners feel that they have the freedom to move, the freedom to get out and enjoy life, and freedom from both debt and commercialism.
“A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff.”
― George Carlin
The reason that most of us cannot fathom tiny house living is that it leave us no room for our stuff—both the stuff we have and the stuff we want to have. In a society where our success is often measured by the stuff we have, making this break can be difficult. But for many, all that stuff is the ties that bind, holding us in place and making it harder for us to succeed in more meaningful ways.

What Are Tiny Houses?
Much like subcompact cars, there is no strict definition that is applicable world-wide. However, most individuals in the tiny house movement agree that for a home to qualify, it should be 500 square feet or less. While many of the tiny homes you see shared on social media and on television are frequently less than 200 square feet, this isn’t the limit. You can find tiny homes that comfortable fit a family, not just a single person or couple.

Is Tiny House Living Right for You?
In all likelihood, no. Most of us have become conditioned to a certain amount of space and a certain amount of stuff, not to mention that we tend to develop emotional attachments to our possessions. This isn’t meant to discourage you, but it is the reality of the situation.

Who is tiny house living the right choice for? Below are some commonalities you will find amongst those who won tiny homes.
- The Desire for Financial Freedom: In general, tiny homes are owned outright. They are cheap to build on your own, and still affordable when you purchase them pre-made. It is one of the only ways most people can truly own their own home, especially in young adulthood.
- A Focus on Relationships and Experiences: If you are someone who loves spending most of the day at home, a tiny house can feel claustrophobic. If, however, you simply use your home as a place to sleep and a keep your things, a tiny house can make for the ideal home base.
- Concern for the Environment: Tiny homes themselves make less of a demand on the environment. Then, when you consider all the things you no longer consume because you do not have the space for them, your footprint is reduced even further.
- A Wandering Spirit: While not all tiny homes are mobile, many of them are. This allows homeowners to really explore the country, try out different jobs, and get into different cultures, all without having to repeatedly buy and sell homes.
Poor Reasons for Choosing a Tiny Home
While there are many who adore their tiny homes, there are also those who jumped in only to discover that it wasn’t for them. In many cases, these individuals were charmed by the cute and cozy appearance of tiny homes, only to discover that cute and cozy doesn’t mean it is compatible with you. Another mistake often seen is that an individual was so desperate to own instead of rent that they jumped at a tiny house, since that was what they could afford. With tiny house living, you really have to love it to succeed at it.

Other Purposes for a Tiny House
This is a great option for a shed, office, or studio. Instead of paying rent to someone else for your business, a tiny house will give you the space you need without the overhead costs. You’ll also save on gas if it’s on your property.
Interested in Learning More About Tiny House Living?
Then check out TheTinyLife.com or TinyHomeBuilders.com. You can learn more about how it all works, and even look at floorplans and tiny houses that have already been built.
Would you be able to live in a tiny house?

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