This week we came into the episode expecting some fireworks & that’s exactly what we got. We begin with the Governor convincing the entire camp that he was in to wage war on the prison. He gives a convincing speech to the group and they agree to take the prison by force if necessary. The Governor keeps telling everyone that he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt but we all know better. With a tank as well as Michonne and Herschel as his hostages, The Governor feels that he will be able to intimidate Rick & the group into leaving the prison. This season we have seen a transformation in Rick and he offers to take in the Governors group and share the Prison with them. Of course The Governor declines and says that they all have to leave immediately. When Rick again refuses to leave The Governor draws Michonnes sword and puts it to Herschels throat then takes a swing & cuts him badly. After seeing this Rick opens fire on him and the others to which they begin shooting back. The war begins, and Michonne ducks behind a truck using the license plate to cut her ropes. As Herschel squirms away The Governor tracks him down severing off his head. The prison group are holding their own at this point taking out a few members of The Governors militia, when he orders the tank to take out the fences and move in.
The fighting is pretty intense when The Governors Militia has made their way to the inner fences of the prison when Rick grabs the Governor from behind and they begin to wrestle unbeknownst to the others. Meanwhile the tank breaks through the inner fences and is blowing holes all in the prison walls. Many of the prison group made their way onto the bus including Glen but Maggie heads back out to find her sister when she gets caught up in more crossfire. We flash to the young girls in the group trying to carry baby Judith out to the bus where the oldest says that Carol said to be brave and they should be helping not running. The little girls bail Tyreese out of a jamb when he is pinned down by two members of The Governors Militia. Daryl in his typical fashion single handedly takes out the Tank and the remaining members of the militia just before taking off with Maggie.
The Governor is getting the best of Rick and is close to finishing him when Michonne thrusts her sword through his chest (it’s about time!). Rick and Michonne head up toward the prison looking for Carl & see nothing but walkers everywhere. When they head after Rick, Carl takes them out and reunites with his dad. Rick asks Carl where Judith is but he hasn’t seen her. The walkers are closing in and Rick tells Carl they have to go! As they take off Carl Spots the baby seat out in the open but Judith isn’t there & the seat is filled with blood. Rick and Carl take off on foot through the woods and Rick keeps saying “Dont look back”. In the
typical TWD fashion we are left with so many questions, is Judith dead? If not who has her? Where did Daryl & Maggie end up? Where did the group on the bus including Glen end up? So we will wait until February 9th to find out! Until then enjoy the reruns!
What are your thoughts about Herschel being killed? What has been your favorite part of Season 4?

It was certainly a shocker beheading one of the main characters but I’m just glad we’re finally moving on from the Prison. The show needs more variety in it’s settings- the prison was the new farm from Season 2. Keep your appetite for zombies full until the 2nd half of this season with some zombie art and the Top 10 Zombie Movies of All Time at
Definitely shocking & me too! Thanks for stopping by!