We left off last week with Rick leaving Carol and telling her she couldn’t come back to the prison. This week starts off looking grim as Hershel, Glen, and Sasha are helping a fellow group member who has been infected. Glen is still looking pale and has a steady cough. He makes the rounds with Hershel only to find Mr. Jacobson has passed from the sickness.
Hershel meets up with Maggie (through glass) and assures her Glen is okay but resting after helping him all day. He admits things are looking dim but hopeful that Daryl and the group will be back at any time.
Maggie is left with the task of killing the piles and piles of walkers staking up against the fence. Rick pulls in safely but Maggie questions why Carol isn’t with him. Rick discloses to Maggie that Carol (admittedly) killed Karen and David so he left her behind. He then asks Maggie if she thinks he did the right thing- which she agrees but admits she doesn’t know if she’d be able to actually leave her.
Hershel checks in on Dr. S but he is insistent that he is past the point of being saved and the focus needs to be on the patients that may have a chance. Hershel refuses to give up on anyone but when getting a good look at the doctor’s face, he sees the impending doom of the doctor’s health. Another group member succumbs to the sickness and Hershel follows the standard process he’s put in place- put the body on a gurney, roll away from the group of sick individuals, and stab them before they turn. Meeting up with Rick (through the glass) he explains they’re burning the bodies out back. Rick explains to Hershel the situation with Carol.
Rick and Maggie work on propping up the fences with small trees to keep the walkers from piling in, but hear gun fire and Rick sends Maggie to help. Rick recruits Carl to come help finish the job, but there are too many walkers for their support poles, causing the fence to collapse. The Grimes men manage to get through the tower, reaching the gun rack and attack the herd.
Hershel is doing a final sweep of the cells only to find Sasha lying on the ground. As he tries to stabilize her we see that another group member has turned in an unlocked cell. Sasha seems to stable after Hershel gives her an IV. Hershel continues making his rounds when a walker comes at him. Glen starts coughing up blood and collapses, Lizzy spots another group member, Henry, has turned and Lizzy lures him out of the cell away from Glen. It seems like more and more members are being taken by this sickness and Hershel is surrounded. As Hershel rushes to grab the shotgun from Dr. S’ cell, he realizes the doctor has too turned. Glen’s fate looks very dim and his only shot is for Hershel to wrestle a walker Henry to get the respirator off his face. Maggie shoots her way through the doors and rushes to the aid of her father and Glen (by shooting walker Henry in the head) and rushing the respirator to Glen. It seems she came in the nick of time and are able to stabilize Glen.
With the help of their assault riffles, Rick and Carl clear out the walkers just in time for Daryl and the group to get back. They bring the medicine to Hershel and it seems like there may be hope for Glen and the rest of the group.
Michonne loads the bodies onto a trailer and gets ready to head out. Daryl asks Hershel about Carol’s health after hearing Glen has made it through the night. Hershel refers Daryl to Rick but assures him Carol is okay and then opts to head out with Michonne. The episode closes with Rick and Carl enjoying a fresh veggie from the garden while the infamous Governor stands outside the prison watching.
What do you think will happen once Daryl finds out about Carol? What will the Governor do next?

[…] Episode 5 recap […]