After learning Carol who killed Karen and David its hard to imagine what will unravel now. We start this week with Carol taking to Lizzie through glass and explaining that she is heading out on a run with Rick to get food. Lizzie explains no one on Death Row has died YET, but she thinks many will. Carol makes sure she has her knife and explains again how important it is for her not to be scared and to protect herself. Lizzie mistakenly calls Carol “Mom” to which Carol instructs her not to. While Rick is loading the car for his run with Carol he pictures how she killed Karen and dragged out her body.
On the ride for food Carol explains to Rick, she was trying to save lives since Karen and David were the only ones sick at the time. Rick doesn’t appear completely convinced. When checking out a neighborhood house they manage to kill a walker and stumble upon a couple- who offer them some fruit. The hippie man happens to have a dislocated shoulder that Carol is able to pop into place. Its clear the inexperienced couple is looking for a group to tag along with. Rick asks them his infamous 3 questions which they appear to pass, but seems apprehensive about them assisting in gathering things to bring back to the prison. Carol however thinks two more bodies would allow them to cover more ground.
Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese, and Bob head to the college to finish their search for antibiotics. In an effort to free a vehicle the group has to get into a service station where they have walkers trying to attack then through the overgrown vines. Everyone is able to fend them off, except Tyreese who has a little trouble letting go of the walker so one of the group could take it down. Bob confesses to Daryl he was trying to get booze the day Zach was killed and that’s what walkers on. Daryl basically tells him there was no way anyone could have known about the store being swarmed with walkers.
While heading back toward the meeting place, Rick and Carol come across some fallen fruit and follow the path only to find the young woman’s leg from the knee down and walkers feeding on her body a few yards ahead. Carol seeming UN-phased by the girl’s death suggests they should head back to the house in case Sam is waiting. Carol and Rick sit at the house, but its clear Sam isn’t coming back either and again Carol reminds Rick they have to get going.
Daryl and the gang are able to get into the college and search for the medicines needed for Hershel. It appears they picked up everything on the list but have to break out in a hurry as they’re being chased by walkers. They opt to open a locked door and face an unknown amount of walkers rather than risk killing the infected walkers (those with blood down their eyes). After escaping through a window, Bob almost loses a bag- which he fights intensely to keep- only for Daryl to find there are no meds in it- just a bottle. Daryl gets in Bob’s face about the bottle and makes it clear that if Bob starts drinking before the medicine is returned to the prison that he will regret it!
Rick and Carol load up the car (without Sam) but Carol’s door is locked. Rick makes it clear she had no right to make the decision to kill Karen and David and wouldn’t feel comfortable with her around his own children. He tells her not to come back with him, sets her up in a station wagon (with an extra can of gas), and basically sends her on her way. However, he does promise to take care of the girls back at the prison.
I wonder if Carol is gone for good? Will she find a new group or die on the road? Let me know your theory in the comments below!

[…] Episode 4 recap […]