Last week we learned of a sickness (possibly the flu) that is violently making its way through the prison population. Where we saw Tyreese and Karen’s relationship getting more serious. It was no shock when we pick up this week after Karen’s body is burned only to find Tyreese exploding with rage. His anger gets the best of him and he gets into a physical brawl with Rick. Rick tried to calm Tyreese down but he attacked anyway & Rick lost it beating him until he was pulled off by Daryl. Tyreese is ok but is now sporting quite the shiner!
Hershel wraps up Ricks hand while giving him a pep talk about his responsibility to protecting their people. Then we switch to Tyreese while he is angrily digging the graves for Karen & David. with so much uncertainty in the group there is no telling where this will end. It seems that almost everyone is getting sick & being quarantined on Death Row including Sasha, Glen, Dr. S, Kaitlin & many others. The people on Death Row are dying from the illness & turning after being locked in the cells.
The council meets & decides to make a run to a Veterinary College about 50 miles away. Daryl assembles a crew to head out in search of medicines. Meanwhile Rick & Carol discover that the water pipe is clogged & someone must go out to clear it. Carol is adamant that they need to fix it now. Rick approaches Tyreese as he finishes burying the bodies & apologizes for beating him and Tyreese accuses Rick of not trying to find out who killed them. Daryl finds Tyreese and asks him to come out on the run but he replys that he has to stand guard incase the killer tries to enter death row. Meanwhile Hershel tries to sneak out to the woods & find herbs to make some medicine when Carl catches him. Carl tells Hershel that he cant go alone and tags along.
Tyreese decides that he wants to go with Daryl on the run after all. Carol is collecting water when she is startled by Tyreese. He asks for her to watch out for Sasha while he is gone. Carol apologizes for his recent loss and tells him that she would be happy to look in on Sasha. Then she has a brief meltdown & dumps out a barrel of water. Hershel got the herbs he needed from the woods & proceeds to go into death row against Maggie & Ricks requests. Rick spends some time investigating that happened to Karen & David. He finds a bloody hand print on the edge of the entrance door. Carol also decides to go out alone to fix the clogged water pipe where she gets herself into trouble & Rick has to help her get away. However she manages to clear the clog first.
While driving, the radio picks up a signal that sounds like someone talking. While they are trying to hear what is being said they run into a huge herd of walkers. They are instantly surrounded by the walkers & have to find a way out. They ditch the car & make a run for it. Tyreese sits in the car for some reason while the others are running, then suddenly he dicides to make a break for it. The others stop for a second after escaping the herd when they hear a rustle in the trees. Two walkers come through and Tyreese busts through the bushes killing walkers all the way.
While in with the sick Herschel is visiting Dr. S when he coughs up blood all over his face. You cant help but believe Herschel is next in line to get sick. We end the episode with Rick confronting Carol about Karen & Davids deaths. It seems that he hasn’t lost his touch when it comes to detective work because Carol very calmly replies to his question yes I killed them and walks away. I wonder what is to come next week? Will Rick tell Tyreese? I couldn’t imagine he would do that but how will he satisfy Tyreese’s need for revenge? All I know is next weeks episode is set up to be a killer! No pun intended!
Do you think that everyone in Daryls group makes it back alive? Let me know in the comments below

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