Last week we ended with Patrick in the shower room trying to cool off & dying in the shower. This week we begin with Tyreese & Karen getting closer than we have seen so far. But apparently the safe tranquility of the prison is far from reality. Karen stops by the showers to wash up before heading to bed she hears a noise but doesn’t see anything then heads to bed. Next Patrick has come back and is following her scent into the cell block. He walks right up to her room and is about to go in when he hears someone cough & he moves on. He wanders into a cell & gets to work tearing into one of the men. The attack continues throughout the night and next thing we know its 6am with Rick and Carl starting their day. While tending to their garden they hear screaming that there are walkers in the cell block. Daryl, Rick & Glen dispose of the walkers but not before they take a few people with them. They discover that some of the walkers were not bitten & were perfectly healthy the day before. It must be some type of infection or flu they believe that killed them overnight & they turned. While all of this is happening Michonne rides back into the prison & when Carl opens the gate a couple walkers follow. Michonne trips & the walkers are on her until Carl grabs one of the guns by the gate & takes him out. Once Rick comes outside Carl tells him what happened and apologizes for using the gun. The council decided to quarantine the exposed people as a precaution. They ponder the possibility that this could be some type of animal spread sickness, (last episode rick encountered the sick hog in the woods & had a pig die) and the pigs being raised for food could be infected. Rick also decides that he & Carl will need to stay away from Judith for a while till they know what’s going on.
While out with Daryl digging graves Rick says that he doesn’t want to make the hard decisions & that he just wants to farm. Daryl lets him know that they need him and that they wouldn’t have made it this far without him. Meanwhile walkers begin to stack up on the fence in one specific location threatening to push it over. The core members of the group head out to try and stop the walkers only to discover that someone has been feeding them in that spot. We don’t yet know what that is but to me it seems like the girl naming the walkers could be doing it. The group realizes that something has to be done & Rick makes the call, telling Daryl to go get the truck. They head out with a small box on the trailer & drive up to the walkers. Rick pulls out one of his pigs, cuts it & feeds it to the walkers to draw them away from the fence. He does this 3 more times until all of his pigs are gone. Next scene Rick is tearing down the pigs fencing & burning it with Carl when he finally realizes that he can’t hide from reality anymore. He gives Carl a gun & straps on his sidearm. The show comes to a close with Tyreese going to visit Karen in Quarantine, only to discover a blood trail leading outside where he finds two smoldering bodies. Tyreese is devastated & infuriated by this
discovery & in the previews for next week he is screaming at Rick telling him to find out who did this & bring them to him. This one I have no idea who it could have been but when Tyreese finds out they are going to be in trouble.
Who do you think is feeding the walkers outside & who burnt the bodies? Let me know in the comments!

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