We begin this week catching up with Glenn & the crew. Sgt. Abraham & Tara get to know each other a little better while the others sleep. As they are traveling the railroad tracks it appears that Eugene is trying his best to become friends with Tara, in his own socially awkward way. They soon stumble upon one of Maggies notes to Glenn written on a map. Glenn Takes off down the tracks at full speed hoping to catch up!
Daryl is still with the group that found him last week. He is out hunting and one of the men shoots the same rabbit Daryl shoots. Afterward the man tells him that he claims the rabbit but Daryl isn’t going for it. After Daryl tells him no the man begins to taunt Daryl & just before he has had enough the groups leader stops them from fighting. Their eader makes Daryl aware of the claim rule, where if a man says that he claims something it’s his & that’s it. In the meantime Glenn continues to push the group toward Terminus no matter what. Carl & Michonne continue to bond playing travel games on the railroad tracks betting candy bars while Rick is trying to keep them on task and on pace to make it to Terminus.
Glenn & the group come to a dark tunnel with another message from Maggie outside. Sgt. Abraham refuses to take Eugene through the tunnel & the groups part ways with Glenn & Tara pushing on through the tunnel & the others turning back to go around. While in the tunnel Tara & Glenn discuss the day that the prison was invaded. Meanwhile Daryl & the men clear out an old garage & Daryl gets another lesson in the claiming rule. Back at the tunnel Glenn & Tara come across a pile of walkers trapped in a rock slide making a labyrinth of walkers for them to navigate their way through. After Glenn makes his way to the top of the pile he realizes that the tunnel is full of walkers on the other side!
After checking the walker in the tunnel Glenn knows that Maggie isn’t in the tunnel & made it through. Sgt Abraham & crew find another vehicle & after they clear the walker inside they are ready to hit the road. Back at the Tunnel Glenn & Tara trick the walkers into chasing the light on the other side of the pile while the try to escape the tunnel. However Tara slips on a rock and then gets her leg trapped between a large rock & the tunnel wall.
In the garage Daryl has another conflict with the man who tried to take his breakfast & after the man planted the rabbit head in Daryls bag he accused him of stealing. The group leader broke it up & had the man punished because he saw him plant the rabbit in Daryls bag. Back in the tunnel Tara tells Glenn to run for it but he refuses & takes his chances fighting the walkers. Just as he is running out of ammo Maggie shows up with a group to quickly dispose of the walkers & just like that Maggie & Glenn are reunited!
In the tunnel Glenn introduces Maggie to Tara then the rest of the group discuss their plans. They all decide on going to terminus then Sgt Abraham & part of the group are heading to Washington. Daryl & the group are heading out but with one less member. While teaching the other member a leasson they killed him. Then Daryl finds out that the men he is with are tracking a man that strangled one of their friends in a house(if you remember it was Rick). They said that one of their group saw his face & they tracked him to the train tracks & believe that he is going to Terminus. Glenn, Maggie & the group arrive at Terminus. When they go inside there is vegetables growing & a woman waiting to greet them.
With only 1 episode left this season will the others reach Terminus & will it be the safe community that they are hoping it to be? Also where is Beth?

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