The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10 begins at nightfall after the prison has fallen. Daryl and Beth are running for their lives as the prison is over run, while we listen to the narration of Beth reading her diary . Finally they lose the walkers that are chasing them after hiding in a field & they are sitting by a campfire. Daryl is staring blankly into the fire, maybe he is thinking about

their next move or maybe the recent events at the prison are running through his head. Beth looks at Daryl and says that others had to make it out, that he is a tracker & they should be tracking the others down. Daryl is unresponsive, just continues to stare into the fire as if in shock after the battle. Beth says that if he won’t try to track them down then she will without him and takes off. Daryl being Daryl won’t let her go alone in the dark so he stands up puts out the fire and takes off after her.

Tyreese escaped with Mika & Lizzie and are taking off through the woods when see that Tyreese has Judith! They stop for a moment to rest & Mika spots some grapes & asks if they can eat them. Meanwhile Judith starts to cry. Mika is scared that the walkers will hear her & Tyreese gets her to calm down as they hear a noise behind them so they take off. As they are running they hear screams nearby. Tyreese tells Lizzie to take Judith and has the girls stand back to back. He gives them instructions to stand back to back so they can see walkers approaching from any direction. Lizzie cannot get Judith to stop crying& covers her mouth and nose. It appears that she is going to suffocate the baby. We flash back to Tyreese as he is finishing off the walkers & the girls appear out of the woods with none other than Carol. Tyreese gives her a big hug and asks how she made it out. When the Governor attacked, Rick hadn’t told Tyreese that Carol killed Karen. I’m sure that the truth will come out in the future though. Carol tells them that she wasn’t at the prison when it fell she was just getting back with more supplies and a car. The man that was being attacked was bitten but told them to continue up the tracks that there is a safe place they can take the children. They head out and come upon a map posted on the tracks telling them where to go. So they head for it together.

Maggie, Sasha & Bob made it out together and have stopped by a creek where Sasha is dressing Bob’s wounds. Maggie is sharpening her knife silently while Sasha and Bob discuss what to do next. Sasha tells the others that they should camp there for the night but Maggie has other plans. She tells them that they can stay there but she is going look for others. Sasha tries to convince her otherwise but gives in after a minute. The group heads up to the road in search of the bus. After a short walk they find it stopped in the middle of the road with no sign of movement. Once they come up on the side walkers pop up all along the side & they realize that everyone on the bus has either turned or been eaten. Sasha wants to move on but Maggie says that she has to know if Glen is in there. Opening the rear door & letting walkers out one at a time they begin to dispose of them all. After putting a few down the walkers over power them and the entire group comes out. They kill them all but there is still no sign of Glen. Maggie climbs into the bus walking up the aisle with every seat covered in blood. She gets to the front where she left Glen and there is a walker pinned under a body on the floor. She pulls the body away and the walker lunges at her, she kills it and it appears to be Glen at first glance but we soon realize that it was not when her crying turns to smiles.

Still a couple hours after the battle Glen wakes up on the partially destroyed prison bridge with walkers crowded below hoping he falls. After coming too and realizing that he is alone he goes inside and gathers any supplies that he can. Just as Glen begins to make his escape he sees Tara sitting behind the fence in shock as to what just happened. He starts to keep going but Glen being Glen stops to get her. He convinces her to come with him then when they get to the road she tells him that she was with the Governor & she doesn’t understand why he would want her help. He tells her that he needs her to help him find Maggie and that he doesn’t want
her help he needs it. Just then walkers begin making their way up to the road and attack them. Glen is stunned in the fight and Tara finishes them off just as a military truck pulls up. She screams to them “hope you enjoyed the show ass hole”. Three people exit the truck & we see in the previews for next week that the leader is Sgt. Abraham Ford. It appears that we have a new bad guy!

So what we know so far is that Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Beth, Tyreese, Mika, Lizzie, Judith, Carol, Maggie, Sasha, Bob, Glen and Tara have made it. They haven’t found each other yet but maybe they will soon. All I know is that it wouldn’t kill them to throw in a few 2 hr special episodes would it?!
Do you think Glen finds Maggie or becomes one of Sgt. Fords companions permanently?

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