Daryl and his brother Merle are back with Rick’s group at the prison. Walkers are everywhere. Carl thinks his dad, Rick, should step down as the leader. He is starting to crack, and Carl thinks he deserves a much needed rest. Andrea finds out that “The Governor” went on “a run”, later to find out that he attacked the prison. Still no explanation on who was driving the truck full of walkers.
Rick and the group are out of options and left with nowhere to turn at this point. Carl keeps watch with Maggie and they find that Andrea is approaching the prison. Being on guard, no one trusts why Andrea shows up at the prison. “Are you alone?” Rick yells at her. They pat her down and question her visit. As Andrea tries to explain why she’s there, she also learns about the loss of Shane, Laurie and T-Dog. She is trying to talk everyone into ending the feud with “the Governor”. Andrea then learns that “The Governor” is the one who opened fire on the prison, not the other way around as she had been told. Rick, Glenn and Daryl tell Andrea they will kill “The Governor” and Carol tells Andrea straight out, to sleep with “The Governor” and kill him.
The group that Rick kicked out during a momentary breakdown is now in Woodbury. Not really knowing what they are in for there, they are happy to have a safe place for now and offer “The Governor” their help.
Andrea goes back to Woodbury and tells “The Governor” that she went to the prison. Andrea seems confused. With Carol’s comment on her mind, she sleeps with him, pulls a knife, and stands at his bedside while he sleeps, debating whether or not to kill him. She backs off… Will she do it?
‘Til next week.
Mark Chiaramonte is a hard core drummer for over 30 years has been on the touring scene for over 25 years. The past seven years he’s been passing his talent down to his students in West Haven, CT. This horror loving rocker puts his family first and can cook his ass off. As co-host of The G Spot he sometimes will let his softer side slip. You can catch Mark on Twitter @MarkChiaramonte

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