The Governor admits to Milton that he is gonna kill Rick and his group and has plans to torture Michonne. Milton does not want more slaughter going on so he tells Andrea what The Governor is planning on doing to Rick. Andrea tries to kill The Governor but Milton stopped her and tells her to go warn her friends.
Andrea leaves Woodbury and tries to get to the prison. The Governor finds out and tracks her down. Andrea leads The Governor into abandon building, then lets out a pack of walkers on him and leaves The Governor for dead. Although we learn that he isn’t dead, just as Andrea reaches the outskirts of the prison. The Governor catches up with her and wrestles her to the ground. While Rick is standing guard he hears something but does not see The Governor attcking Andrea. The Governor heads back to Woodbury with no sign of Andrea. In the closing scene Andrea is tied up in the torture chair that The Governor had set up for Michonne.
until next week walkers

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