Get Organized
Are you really a mother if you don’t have a huge wall calendar that states what exactly each member of your family is doing every hour of every day? If one of those calendars doesn’t adorn your kitchen wall, then it’s time to get one: there’s no easier way to keep track of your family and of your life than to get ruthlessly organized. Make sure that your kids know that if they don’t put it on the calendar, then whatever they want to do isn’t happening. You should also start preparing for the next day the night before as much as you can – get out what you want to wear, prepare your kids’ lunches as much as you can, and make sure that you go to sleep as early as you can.
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Get Budgeting
One of the biggest stressors in any family is money. Some months it just doesn’t seem to stretch as far as others, and you don’t know where exactly you went wrong. That’s why you need to start budgeting. Make sure that you write down all of your incomings and your outgoings so you can figure out exactly where you need to cut back. It’s definitely okay to treat yourself on occasion – buying an expensive foundation once every six months won’t do you any harm – but it’s also crucial to make sure that you know where all your money is going. If you really want to cut back then why not try getting out that week’s money in cash from the bank on every Monday so you don’t end up using your credit card?
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Get Healthy
There’s absolutely no way that you can be good at your everyday life if you aren’t healthy. Even if you aren’t overweight and your arm muscles are strangely overdeveloped from pushing a toddler around in a stroller, you aren’t necessarily healthy. Check out sites like Rita Reviews for tips on how to feel good all the time. Make sure that you cook dinner from fresh ingredients every night – and that you don’t survive on your kids’ leftovers and then half a bag of potato chips, as tempting as that might sound! Whenever you make a meal like chili, lasagne, pasta bake or curry, you should make some extra so that you can freeze it and then have another healthy nutritional meal in the future.
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Get Happy
There’s nothing more important than your own happiness – don’t lose track of it even though you’re a mom and busy all the time. If you have problems with your mental health like depression or anxiety, then it’s time to see the doctor – don’t suffer in silence and make sure that you treat yourself with gentleness and kindness. Make sure that you get out of the house and take in some fresh air as often as you can, and ask your partner to look after your kids once a fortnight so you can go out with your friends and remember who you were pre-kids. It’s important to maintain your own interests and to keep doing what you love. Your life will definitely have changed since you had kids, but remember you’re the same person underneath it all.

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