With 40 comes wisdom, confidence, security and maturity. It didn’t bother me to turn 40 because I felt I had all of these qualities. What I didn’t know was the unspoken truths that also came with 40, like peeing on yourself. I’m a very social person and my close friends and I love to have fun. Five or six of us will get together, drink a couple (few) bottles of wine, turn on girl-power music, make fun of our men and get up and start dancing. Letting it all loose. Imagine my surprise while jumping up and down to “I will Survive”, suddenly thinking to myself, “Did that just happen? Did I just pee my pants?” Yup! I did. Initially I thought something was very wrong with me and I didn’t even tell my best friend. I started to notice there were certain things I would do when this would happen. It was embarrassing!
The next time we were all together, we got into deep conversations about our husbands, our children and growing old. We all realized that we all had many changes with our bodies physically and emotionally. We even talked about how we all pee on our self if we jump, exercise or dance because of LBL (light bladder leakage). It was one of those conversations that you find out you’re not alone, and let’s face it, who wants to be the only one who pees on themselves!? We talked about how we weren’t ready to wear adult diapers and assumed that all the products made for that were big and bulky. I was asked to join a Poise #RecycleYourPad campaign. At first I was thinking…. Who ME? I’m not ready for this part of adult-hood, maybe they meant to email my grandmother. Then I thought, what the heck, let’s face it and check these things out, worse case scenario we can make fun of them.
The first time I purchased Poise Thin-Shape Pads I had the same feeling as when I purchased period pads for the first time. I held my breath and went through the checkout. LBL is no laughing matter and although being a women is beautiful it has some ugly side effects- like period pads, hot flashes, and a few other things.
I decided that since these are not pretty, let’s find what we would rather use them for. Time to get creative!
Washing the floor- One of my least favorite house chores. You can stick these to your feet and wash away. It can also serve as great exercise if you create a system or dance while washing
Shining Surfaces- I decided to try using these in lieu of paper towels and cleaned all the surfaces in the kitchen. To my surprise it cleaned everything really well and was super easy to use. ….. I may have just lost my mind, I am actually sharing how I enjoyed using a pad to do my cleaning. I will chalk this one up to creative minds.
Let’s get back to the serious conversation. The truth about LBL!
First thing is go get your free sample and see for yourself- https://ooh.li/a3c7990
• One in three women experience Light Bladder Leakage (LBL) – little leaks that can be triggered by everyday occurrences like coughing, sneezing, laughing and exercise.
• Weak pelvic floor muscles, pregnancy, childbirth and weight gain are just a few LBL contributors.
Just as no two women are alike, there’s no single reason that LBL happens. Some of the most common things that lead to uninvited leaks include:
• Physical changes from childbirth, pregnancy, hysterectomy or menopause
• Being overweight
• Complications from surgery, stroke, or chronic diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS) or Parkinson’s disease
• Bladder or urinary tract infections
• Bladder irritants (certain foods and beverages)
Women deserve the best options for managing LBL. Whether you leak a little when you laugh, or sometimes have a sudden urge to go, Poise gives you one less thing to worry about any time of day or night. Poise pads and liners are specifically designed for LBL, which makes them an easy choice for the 1 in 3 women with light bladder leaks.
Stay fresh and confident with Poise® pads and liners. They’re designed specifically for Light Bladder Leakage (LBL), which make them an easy choice for the 1 in 3 women who experiences LBL.
Designed to move with your body, new Poise Thin-Shape pads feature Super Absorbent Material (SAM) and a Thin-Flex design for extraordinary protection that’s still 3x drier than period pads*† to help you take care of leaks with confidence.
*vs. leading regular size period products, where most needed Now that I know about Poise, I wish I wasn’t so embarrassed before when this started happening because it would have saved a lot of time washing and changing clothes. Not to mention the worry of someone finding out. It’s time us “older” women start talking about what can help us stay sexy and trendy while tackling the ugly truths of growing older and how to conquer them.
We Deserve The Best
• Women deserve the best options for managing LBL so Poise brand has introduced new Poise Thin-Shape pads, which are up to 40% thinner than original Poise brand pads and are made specifically for bladder leaks with the trusted absorbency of Poise brand.
• Designed to move with your body, new Poise Thin-Shape pads feature Super Absorbent Material (SAM) and a Thin-Flex design for extraordinary protection that’s still 3x drier than period pads*† to help you take care of leaks with confidence.
Have you ever had this happen? Who did you tell? What did you do?
Thank you to Poise for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try recycling my unused period pads!

Yes I know more so lately of #lbl and was too proud to admit or want to buy @poise. I am tired of going to the bathroom check then i have to go home becaue I hate the feel