Why would I want to swap my heels and wine for a pirate’s hat and grog, you ask? Because I’m heading to LA for the red carpet premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. We’ll be interviewing the cast and uncovering the treasures to bring them to you! You can follow along from May 17th- May 20th on social #PiratesLifeEvent
Ok so I’m sure I won’t be giving up my heels for the premiere but I will be packing my pirate garb so I can sail away on the Black Pearl as I drink my grog with Captain Jack Sparrow and my crew. I’m sure I’ll come back (well unless Johnny Depp whisks me away) ready to share many rum recipes as well as insider 4-1-1 about the movie. I’ll also be looking forward to hearing the quotes from Captain Jack Sparrow that will be added to the classic quotes of the past movies!
Why is the rum always gone? ~Jack Sparrow
Johnny Depp returns to the big screen as the iconic, swashbuckling anti-hero Jack Sparrow in the all-new “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” a rip-roaring adventure that finds down-on-his-luck Captain Jack feeling the winds of ill-fortune blowing strongly his way when deadly ghost sailors, led by the terrifying Captain Salazar, escape from the Devil’s Triangle bent on killing every pirate at sea—notably Jack.
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand? ~Jack Sparrow 
Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing that again? ~Jack Sparrow
We’ll also be visiting the Disney Archives to learn about the history of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” attraction and of course heading to Disneyland to experience the ride, which happens to be celebrating 50 years.
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES opening in theaters everywhere May 26th!
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Official website: http://pirates.disney.com/

I am crazy excited about this movie! I love me some Jack Sparrow!!!
I am so excited about the next installment of Pirates! It’s my favorite adventure franchise of all time. Woo hoo!
Arrr! I be a pirate whenever a new pirates comes out! It be me favorite in the Disney catalog!
This sounds like it will be a fun event. I am so excited to see this movie, I love Johnny Depp.
This sounds like such an exciting event. I have always loved Pirates of Carribean.
You’re about to have so much fun! I am super excited about another Pirates movie and nothing beats Captain Jack Sparrow!
50 years for the ride? Who knew??? I like the PoC movies.
Sounds like fun! Looking forward to reading all the goodies & treasures – Long Live Captain Jack!
I am super excited about this new movie, I have seen them all and I will see this too. What a cute title swapping out the heels, can’t wait to see the grog
Oh man! I miss Captain Jack Sparrow! I;m so excited to see this movie! Have fun at the event!!
How awesome. my husband is super stoked about going to a screening for this movie. I’m jealous as I am really looking forward to this one!
I have got to see this movie I am a big Johnny Depp fan from way back. You should have such a great time at the premiere.
I cannot wait to see this movie! I am going this week with my son!
Congratulations on such a fun event invite! This looks like it is going to be the best out of the whole set.
I’m pretty excited about this movie! We’ve always loved them!
Oh my lands, I can barely contain myself. This movie is going to rock!
Have a great time at the premiere! Oh you are so lucky! I am excited to watch this movie. Johnny Depp is iconic as Captain Jack Sparrow. There will never be another one like him (if they decide on a remake of this film in the future.)
I am so excited to see this movie. I am a big fan of Johnny Depp and he really does justice to his role as Jack Sparrow.
This is pretty cool! Who wouldn’t want to be part of such an event! It’s definitely something that I would love to attend since I also love the movie. You’re super lucky!
i seriously can’t wait to see this. who doens’t love a good pirates movie.