Everyone dreams of having beautiful, glowing skin. But, by the time we are in our twenties, and the worse of the teenage acne has disappeared, many of us are resigned to the fact that it could well be a pipe dream. There is a misconception that once any spots clear up, we are all blessed with amazing, airbrushed skin for the rest of our adult lives, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, it is rarely the case for anyone at all! Everyone’s skin is unique and has its imperfections and qualities – they are, of course, what make us all individuals. But if you feel as though your skin is letting down your whole ‘look,’ it’s only natural that you may want to change that. Sometimes it can be hard to put your finger on exactly what it is you don’t like about your skin, but a recurring theme you may see in others is a lack of ‘glow.’ We’ve all heard someone’s skin is described as ‘glowing,’ and observed the healthy sheen it seems to give them. But getting this elusive ‘glow’ can be a little tricky. If you’re in serious need of brighter skin, remember that a healthy glow starts with healthy skin – simply using makeup will only ever be a short-term solution. Here are some ways to maximize the health of your skin so you can enjoy that radiant glow all year round.
Take all your makeup off
The vast majority of us already know how important it is to take our makeup off at night. It’s something our mothers drilled into us whether we liked it or not, even if most of us spent our teens waking up with our eyelashes glued together with cheap mascara! But it’s not always as simple as merely swiping a wet cloth across your face a couple of times before climbing into bed. If you’re going to take your makeup off at night, you need to do it properly. Lots of grime and dirt can build up on your skin over the course of an average day, so use something like micellar water and cotton pads to wipe away any excess.
Did you know that even oily skin needs plenty of hydration? Just as we can feel sluggish and tired when we haven’t had enough water, our skin can look dull and drained of life when it is dehydrated. Find a skincare brand that focuses on natural ingredients, such as OZNaturals products, and consider using a quality serum. Moisturizer tends to be the go-to option for people looking to hydrate their skin, but serum is a much lighter option.
Eat right
If radiating a glow is all about the health of your skin, you may as well start from the inside! The kind of food we eat can have a major impact on how clear and fresh our skin is. If you’re not already eating fruit and vegetables on a regular basis, try and get at least five portions into your diet every day of the week. Oily fish and nuts also contain healthy acids that can help to rejuvenate skin. Plus, you’ll have more energy from eating a healthier diet too, so it’s a win-win situation.

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