As a girl most of your memorable events are centered around “THE DRESS”. This includes when you’re a teenager going to your first prom, as a new bride searching for your wedding dress, and all those special occasions in between. I will never forget the first time I went dress shopping for my prom dress. There is so much pressure being a teenage girl, but add the hormones and emotions of a social status ceremony that involves professionally styled hair, manicured nails, and magazine quality makeup- the perfect prom dress is just the icing on the cake.
While my prom dress shopping wasn’t completely stress free, I still had so much fun trying on the dozens of different dresses and prancing around the dress shop. My style was always somewhat unique, yet trendy and I was (and still am) drawn to something that was sure to turn a few heads and stand out. I didn’t have the option to go online to places like and narrow down dresses to the ones I REALLY liked. In my prom dress shopping extravaganza I took people that most 15 year old girls would steer clear from- my police officer uncle and my tattooed old fashioned Italian father. They were the only two men in the dress shop, but I knew they were the two people I needed buy in from for the perfect prom dress.
Doing my fair share of research, I knew I wanted a two piece dress (yes, they were actually JUST starting to become the “new” thing during this time- I think mainly in California). The hardest sell would be to my dad that it was necessary for my midsection to be showing for prom. I took the strategic approach that any daddy’s girl takes- I found the skimpiest, laciest, ugliest two piece dress the shop carried. I tried it on and paraded around like I loved it. I forgot to mention there was a double slit in the dress that probably would have made Madonna blush. I, of course, was vetoed by both dad and uncle. However, from that point on- any other dress didn’t seem AS BAD. Once I locked in on the dress I really wanted, I went to my uncle first. Hook, line, & sinker- he thought the dress was great so I had his buy-in. Convincing my dad actually wasn’t as hard as I had originally anticipated. Perhaps it was the wild Lil Kim pastey-type dress I tried on at first, or the fact that my Uncle was on board … or maybe the sheer delusion that was starting to set in from being at a dress shop for 3 hours. Whatever it was- it worked- and I found (and got approval) for the PERFECT PROM DRESS!
Luckily, girls now have the option to look for prom dresses in the comfort of their own bedroom and have them delivered to their front door! Places like has an entire section dedicated to! The dresses are not only reasonably priced, but they have dresses for all shapes and sizes! You don’t have to be a size 2 to look beautiful in your prom dress! The money you save on the dress can go toward a killer pair of shoes!
Disclosure- We were compensated for this post but all opinions are our own
Ooooh, what a sneaky little way to get your dad’s approval. I like it though! Great post!