When it came to our daughters my husband made sure they knew about cars, sports, and how to kick butt. It never crossed his mind that they were girls so they couldn’t do it. They were dancers their whole life but if they were around people talking about football or baseball, they can hold their own in the conversation. They didn’t pick a team by the colors or how cute the players were. They knew the ins and outs of the game and probably could give you most of the stats.
Like other families, my girls were born into a team. They were destined to be Steeler fans and of course Yankee fans. When my daughter played softball, her favorite player was Chuck Knoblauch so she tried to be number 11 each year. It was a sad day when he left. Watching games as a family was always an exciting time, you never knew if one or all of us would be couch coaching.
My husband had a special bond with the girls when it came to sports, just like I had a bond with them when it came to makeup. There is nothing better than a daddy/daughter day for Father’s Day!
This Father’s Day instead buying dad something he doesn’t need, why not grab tickets to a sporting event. Baseball games are always so much fun. There’s nothing like eating a hot dog and peanuts while you’re sitting watching one of America’s oldest pastimes. You cheer with the crowd, wear your hat, shirt, and of course, ALWAYS bring your glove. You never know when a ball will come your way! Of course when the grounds crew come out to sweep the field after the sixth inning and, per tradition, dance the YMCA and singing the seventh inning stretch song “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” is an experience everyone should experience. Depending what stadium you go to, another song will play after that. The Yankees play Cotton Eyed Joe!
The tradition of a baseball game mixed with the memories will last dad and his daughter(s) a lifetime!
Batter Up!
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