We all remember when our moms, grandmothers, or aunts went through menopause. It seemed they all had hot flashes and carried around paper plates, fans, or would grab the closest thing and would start waving it frantically in their face. We also remember the mood swings, we knew to stay away and if we had to talk to them to be extra sweet. We couldn’t understand why they would be so cranky, why not just try to be happy. They also were always talking about gaining weight, losing weight, and what medicines they were taking. The medications always had weird names that sounded like something a witch would add to her brew.
As I got older, I still didn’t know much about menopause. I knew it could start in my late thirties and by the time I was done I wouldn’t have a period anymore. I’m one of those people who is always cold so I was looking forward to this amazing process that happens to your body. I never had PMS so I wouldn’t be cranky, I wouldn’t be cold anymore and I wouldn’t have periods anymore….. Yay Me!
Little did I know that this process affects every part of your life. All of a sudden this stranger takes over your body, you have no control and you’re its puppet. You have these mood swings that you can’t snap out of. The worst part is you feel yourself snapping at all those around you. If you never had a weight problem, that will change too. You feel like your losing your mind, including memory. This is where you say to yourself, “Oh My God, I’m Becoming My Mother!”
Now that I’m a grandmother I wanted to make sure that I was a happy grandma and it was time for me to seriously figure out how to fix me.
I did not want to take the witch’s brew and I’ll never remember to take the 15 pills a day to battle all the symptoms so I was thankful when I received samples of Estroven.
September is Menopause Awareness Month. Whether or not you’re experiencing menopause symptoms now, they will come and I’d like to get you prepared so you don’t have to experience what I did.
Let’s Talk Facts:
Some of the symptoms you can experience:
- Hot flashes and night sweats
- Sleep, memory, and concentration issues
- Irritability
- Low energy
- Weight management issues
- Emotional
One out of three women in the U.S. suffers from perimenopause and menopause symptoms, however nearly 60% of these women do not seek treatment because they are unaware of the solutions available to them.
No two women experience menopause the same way.
One out of four women experiencing as many as six to eight symptoms.
Don’t drink the witch’s brew and get everything you need from Estroven.
Only Estroven has a full line of products that safely and effectively provides multi-symptom menopause relief so you can feel like you again. Each product contains naturally-sourced ingredients that go beyond reducing hot flashes and night sweats to relieve your most bothersome menopause symptoms.
The statement above is very important me. I want something safe and I want it to work. The week before my period I always felt like I was coming down with the flu. I would be at a restaurant with my husband and would start crying in the middle of our meal…… for no reason! The week of my period I would be hot, sometimes while sleeping it felt as if someone was flame torching my bed. The week after it would slowly go away but I was always tired and had a headache on and off for the whole three weeks. If you think about it…. I was getting one good week a month. I wasn’t myself.
I started taking the Estroven and after two weeks I felt a little better. As days are going by, I’m feeling more like me and I’m confident this is going to work. Each Estroven products has it’s own expected results.
The Line:
- Naturally-Sourced
- Estroven’s portfolio of products has been developed with many ingredients that reside in nature or are naturally-sourced
- 64% of perimenopausal and menopausal women would choose a natural solution vs. medication, even if the results were not as effective
- These women are looking for products that are made with pure, naturally occurring or derived ingredients
- Estroven does not contain synthetic estrogen, and therefore is considered a safe alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), which has been known to have significant side effects
- Proven Results
- Many of the ingredients used in Estroven have been around for centuries and have a long-standing history of providing menopausal relief with demonstrated efficacy
- Other ingredients have been recently discovered as a result of research on the bioavailable nutrients that are most beneficial in reducing menopausal symptoms
- The ingredients in Estroven have been studied carefully based on the best scientific information available, with many of them having clinically proven results, i.e., soy isoflavones
CHOICE – Estroven has a full line of products that allows women to choose which best addresses their most bothersome symptom
- NEW Weight Management: provides safe, multi-symptom menopause relief, plus helps safely manage weight
- Maximum Strength: reduces hot flashes and night sweats, plus helps manage irritability
- Nighttime: reduces hot flashes and night sweats, plus occasional sleeplessness
- Energy: reduces hot flashes and night sweats, plus helps manage fatigue
- Mood & Memory: reduces hot flashes and night sweats, plus improves mood and supports memor
September is Menopause Awareness Month. To help prepare for menopause, check out Estroven’s website to browse their product suite as well as tips and tricks for managing the good, the bad, and the sweaty!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Estroven. The opinions and text are all mine.

I really do need to look into this. I will be a grandma in less than 3 weeks and have started to look into get Estroven!