From Wikimedia
As much as our men say otherwise, we hold a considerable amount of power over their appearance. Often, all it takes is for us to point out something attractive about a guy on TV or in a magazine, and soon enough he jumps right on board trying to imitate him. Over the past few years, beards have become extremely popular, and you may be wondering whether or not you should use your unique power to get him to grow a beard. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider.
From Pixabay
I figured we’d get the first and most obvious pro out of the way first; stubble is hot. This is a matter of opinion when it comes down to it. However, I think it’s safe to assume you’re on my side of the argument seen as you’re reading this post. Beards are a gorgeous and natural testament to your man’s masculinity, and you can’t say no to that!
The next big pro is that you’ll be opened up to a whole host of new present ideas. The popularity of beards is only going up, and in turn the amount of men’s grooming products on the shelves is also increasing. There are even services like this “shaving club” which sends out customized manual razors. If he starts growing his beard, you’ll have no problem finding a host of beard oils and trimming accessories. Furthermore, if he’s going all the way with a lumberjack look, you’ll have an excuse to buy him only the hottest flannel shirts!
Another pro is that you can wave goodbye to that baby face you’ve been getting sick of. Sure, the clean-shaven look can be great on certain, chiselled faces, but only a real man can grow a real beard!
From Pixabay
As much as guys’ beards are wonderful to look at, actually living with them certainly has its downsides. One of the big ones is all the stray hairs. Once his beard really starts coming through, you’ll undoubtable find yourselves locked in a steamy make-out session. The magic can be ruined a little when you draw away and find a scraggly beard hair in your mouth!
Another con, which is usually only an issue when his beard first starts coming through, is how scratchy and itchy it can be. Of course, if you want to wake up and look at that smoking hot beard every morning, this is something you’re just going to have to put up with. For my money, the aesthetic pros definitely outweigh this drawback, but not every woman will agree with me!
Another con, which you should really think about if your man is a little vain anyway, is how fussy he’s going to get over it. A good beard, so I’ve heard, is hard work. If you want your man to grow one, then he’s going to spend a lot more time grooming himself in the mirror, and get annoyed at you when you play with it in a certain way. Still, if it looks good enough, I’m sure you can get over it!

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