There are many things you will need to do to Make Your Small Business Stand Out. They all require work on your part and can take time to complete each one. The “not-com” movement can be of huge value if you take advantage of it now. This article is brought to you by Name.Kitchen and I thought this was valuable information to share as a small business owner. There are hundreds of new “not-com” choices available today from .COFFEE to .PIZZA to .LIFE, that allow you to create a memorable and meaningful domain name. Most people have had the frustrating experience of not being able to secure the .com of your choice or having to create a ridiculously long and hyphenated name. As these “not-com” choices are new, the very best names are still available to be registered. . And finally we all know that better names are more memorable names.
Name.Kitchen, an online hub celebrates the art and science of naming, is looking to you to help spread the word about these new choices and showcase how early adopters are using them across numerous business and lifestyle categories.
There are currently many small business owners who are taking advantage of the “not-com” movement and taking their business to a new level. One business that impressed me of how they stood out is Driftaway Coffee ( The .coffee (dot coffee) tells me right away what I’m going for. The driftaway tells me there are many varieties to make me go off to far away places if I’d like. A mini vacation in my mind, anywhere I want to go.

Mody says switching their domain to a ‘dot-coffee’ (.coffee) has been a great conversation starter with those curious about their two-year-old business, and it provides a more obvious digital storefront. “We are an online business exclusively selling online,” says Mody. “It’s a URL that implies what we do.”
About that name, ‘Driftaway.’ Where did it come from?
It goes back to feeling you get when you drink a cup of coffee on a weekend morning at home and you have a little bit of time and everything isn’t going crazy. That feeling that coffee gives you when you are taking your time and drinking it and enjoying it on its own merit.
It’s also got a little bit to do with the fact that coffee travels a lot, like thousands of miles, before it gets to you. You start to be aware that it’s coming from very far away, from a very different economic, social and political environment. Some of that we directly put in the packaging, as well. There are tags associated with every pouch that gets sent, with information about where the coffee is coming from — tags inspired by vintage airline tags.

- Find inspiration from Name.Kitchen’s “I am.___” video series showcasing businesses leveraging naming creativity + innovation at
- Kitchen, powered by Donuts, provides a kitchen atmosphere around the subject of name creation. It is especially geared toward entrepreneurs (aka “business chefs”) scratching their heads for ideas. We offer inspiration on cooking up that perfect identity.
- Claim your name here
What type of small business do you have or what would be the name you would pick?

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