We’ve all been there. Some fool has cut us off and almost caused an accident in the middle of the road. Another one perhaps was speeding and decided the best place to overtake us was on a sharp bend in the road, and they were extremely lucky nothing was coming in the opposite direction. These two examples are just a small percentage of the foolery you can see on the road, and that can often leave you feeling quite tense when it comes to driving.
Add a stressful morning where you struggled to sleep the night before, a boyfriend or girlfriend who seemingly had everything to criticize you for that morning and a boss pushing your buttons, and all of a sudden road rage might not feel like a conscious choice, but certainly something you experience.
In this way, keeping your cool on the road can prove to be a gargantuan task. But it’s important that you do so. And it’s also important to ensure this is something you work at, rather than simply suppress in the moment. Let us consider how that might be:
Keep A Calming Environment
A calming environment can often do most of the work when tensions are raised. Consider how you might choose the music during your journey. Are you listening to aggressive music with a high BPM? You might be amped up to the point where even the slightest issue drives an anxious or aggressive response. It could be that listening to classical, jazz or ambient music, or even talk radio can help you feel relaxed and less aggressive than normal. Ensure that the car is clean and organized too, because this can also contribute to a peaceful mind more than you know.
Take A Deep Breath
Counting to ten while taking deep breaths can help you pause your immediate reaction for something more akin to relaxation. When you come out of the 10-count, you will likely feel much different than you had prior. If you still feel aggressive, take another ten seconds to breathe and gather your thoughts. When you’re able to mitigate this reactionary feeling, you will be able to address the situation with more clarity. Even the best attorneys for accident injuries would prefer you kept your cool, because any conflict you raise yourself, while perhaps understandable, can often make litigating or defending a road traffic case that little bit harder.
Reflecting on what caused the problem in the first place can help you avoid it happening again and again. It might be that you have a habit of pulling out too quickly from your driveway. Perhaps there’s a road with a turning so dangerous it’s probably just worth taking the longer route. Maybe someone in your vehicle was distracting you, and you need to have a word with them about that. When you reflect on your past actions and your experiences behind the wheel, you can ensure you never need lose your cool again.
With these tips, we hope your driving experience will remain much safer as a general baseline.