Fashion isn’t easy for a lot of people. There’s a difference between buying something that you know will look cute and cultivating a whole look of your own. But it doesn’t have to be all that complicated. With just a few rules, you can ensure that you build a wardrobe that will help steer you through any occasion. Here are the essentials you’re going to need.
The building blocks
First, there are a few items that absolutely every woman is going to need to get their hands on. These are the very basics you should begin with. A pure white shirt. A pair of flats. Some jeans. These are the safe items that you can use to contrast and pick out the other items you want to put in your wardrobe. They’re functional, comfy as well as a blank enough canvas to get creative with.
The seasonal staples
There’s no doubt that these are going to change over the years. As it stands, however, there are a few items that are always going to come back into fashion when the right time hits. It’s easy to identify the staples of the season because people who look good tend to bring them out every now and then. Flat, even slightly chunky boots are everywhere to be seen in the Fall for the example. That’s because it’s the perfect season to get bigger with your choices and create a comfortable look to fit the season.
That one accessory
For this, we’re going to say that no, your bag doesn’t always count as an accessory. Sometimes, it’s just a bag. It can look nice, but even if it doesn’t work with your outfit, you’re likely to take it with you. Accessorizing is about finding the unnecessary addition that adds a bit of depth to the outfit. For example, one of the accessories that just isn’t getting used as much is a watch. Yet, pieces from places like Twisted Time can be just the contrast an outfit needs. Be a bit bolder in choosing your accessories. You never know which one is going to the completion piece you need.
A match for any item
We’ve all done it where we just saw one item that we just had to buy. For a lot of women, this happens very often. But it can mean ending up with a hodge-podge of a wardrobe and no real outfits. When you get something new, you have to make sure that you have at least one thing to match it. The staples and building blocks we mentioned can help you pull it off, but it’s best to choose matching items based on color. Keep a color matching guide on you when you go out shopping.
The above tips aren’t just going to help you pick out items that look good for the time and the place. They’re going to help you develop real style. When you know your staples, feel free to experiment. Women come in all shapes and sizes, so you need to find your own sweet spot.

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