When it comes to education, as parents or grandparents we want our children to not only be able to keep up with their class, but to do it with ease. There are many children who do well with everyday school work and home work but when they have to test, they freeze. The pressure of a test can put a lot of stress on a child and as parents we worry about them, especially if we weren’t great testers ourselves. We partnered with TestingMom.com to check out the site and to give you information. All of the information is my own opinion. Let’s talk about how to set your child up for educational success!
What is TestingMom.com
TestingMom.com is an online educational program that’s designed by parents to help other parents and their kids aged Pre-K through 8th grade develop a lifelong love of learning. Our site features fun skill-building games, challenging learning activities and test prep materials for all 50 states (including state standards and Common Core). Parents can customize each child’s program by choosing practice questions for state standard, Common Core and IQ tests, assessments required for entry into gifted and talented programs as well as testing required for private school admissions.
Parents Get Involved
Helping your child prepare for tests is pretty easy in the beginning years of school, or so you think. There are so many different tests and it depends on what area you’re in. Imagine being able to be able to help your child with an exact sample test. As parents we can know how much additional help they need and in what subjects. On TestingMom.com there is an array of education programs to help you child in reading, math, vocabulary, and more.
Parent Education
When you sign up, there are videos for parents to understand the entire site and how it works. With the parent check lists, you will know exactly what to look for when checking your child’s work.
Quality Time
You and your child can have quality time together while using this program. Make rewards and since this can be used until they’re in 8th grade, the rewards can grow according to their age. Maybe a trip to the mall together is in order because they improved on a subject or a manicure for mom and daughter. This gives you quality time double fold!
Word Puzzles
Taking steps to help your kid learn better and more effectively is so important, and there are a lot of ideas that you need to try to focus on when it comes to improving this process as much as possible. Try to come up with some of the best ways of helping you to improve their capacity for learning, and one of the best ways of achieving this is to make sure you use word puzzles. There are a lot of ideas that will help you when it comes to improving the way your kids use their words, and it is vital to make sure you make the most of this right now. Word puzzles can be essential for enhancing vocabulary, as well as improving the way your kids learn.
There are plenty of options that play a role in this, and there are many factors that you need to focus on as much as possible moving forward. Try to make sure you come up with some of the best ways of being able to achieve this. You should check out free printable puzzles online that you can get right now that will help you to improve the way your kids are able to learn and understand words. This is something that you need to try to make the most of moving forward right now, and it can make a massive difference.

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