Wondering where to start with the winter wools and fashion or beauty pieces designed for the colder weather? It can be tricky not to feel lost as soon as stores start slapping on reduction signs and aisles turn into seas of knitted cardigans. Below, we’ve got some ideas for winter statement pieces that you’ll love for years to come.
Long, short, knitted, cotton… Whatever your style, a cardigan will be the perfect winter warmer for any wardrobe. Have a look at a patterned sheer cardigan to make a statement and make an outfit really pop. When the winter outfits generally seem to consist of jeans and shirts, a bright and bold cardigan can lift your look.
These are worth spending a little extra on – much like your coat, you’ll wear your boots day in and day out throughout the colder months, so make sure they fit correctly and are a style that you can be on board with on a daily basis. If they feel too fancy, chances are they’ll gather dust in the back of your wardrobe while you ‘save them’ for a nice occasion. Do some research on the kind of boots that will work for you and your foot shape, but don’t be limited by that. Your boots will form the foundation of every winter outfit you have.
Makeup and Skincare
Ok, ok, so not technically clothes, but your makeup and skincare routine will still form a key part of any look. Have a look online for beauty tips and tricks that will liven up your skin and keep you fresh-faced and gorgeous throughout the winter months. These can be taxing on your skin. Moving from the cold outside to heated shops and houses has a drying effect and you’ll find your skin behaves differently than during the summer months. Try out some slightly heavier moisturizers to combat this over the winter time.
It’s worth having a few different options here. There are so many styles and types of coat that choosing just one can seem overwhelming. You’ll need an everyday coat for bundling the kids into the car and walking the dog, and then at least one slightly dressier coat. Whether you go for a more extravagant fancy coat (think fur, glitter, sequins) or a laid-back style depends on your usual social engagements. Are your festive nights out parties and bars? Or are you more likely to find yourself going out for dinner with a few close friends? Whatever you’re thinking, having a couple of different options is always worth your while.
Similar to your skincare routine, don’t let this one slip to the bottom of your beauty to-do list this winter. In the same way you’d protect your hair from sea salt and chlorine over the summer months, in colder temperatures you need to look out for frizziness caused by central heating, split ends if you’d been using your straighteners and curling irons for going out and dry hair from hairspray and product. Getting a regular trim and conditioning treatment will keep your locks sleek and shiny for the holidays.