These invitation can be made for a child’ birthday party but we used them for a second baby shower that was thrown by the big brother.
Throwing a baby shower for the second child is sometimes needed or you can be in one of those families who have a party for every reason. When we decided to throw my daughter a smaller baby shower for her second baby, our first thought was, how would we ever top what we did for the first!
My grandson is 3 years old and we try to include him in everything regarding the new baby on the way so naturally we had to include him in the shower. I asked him if he’d like to throw a party for his baby brother and of course he said yes.
He’s very into animals so I thought it would be fitting if we had an animal theme. I asked prince what animal he’d like to do for the party and his response was, an elephant and a caterpillar. OK now what do I do with those choices.
Again the first shower we created intricate invitations and we had 8 people helping with them. This time it’s prince, Auntie, Zia, and me. We have 50 to make which is less than half of the first shower so we think we can handle that.
We decided we would create a piece of art with these invites and came up with handprint and fingerprint art invites.
How To Create The Elephant HandPrint Child’s Art
- Buy your paints (I bought 2 shades of gray and a blue)
- In a paper plate I made 3 small piles of the paint
- I bought a pack of the card stock paper which was 9×11 and cut them in half
- With a sponge paint brush, I dipped it in and painted Prince’s palm – the whole thing
- Helping prince along we put his hand on the paper to create a handprint
- Let try
- With white paint draw a tusk, with a sharpie draw the ear
- Using the gray paint make a tail and I used the sharpie to draw the fuzz at the end of the tail
**Remember this is their art, it doesn’t have to be perfect and each one will be different. Have fun with it!
9. On the left side of the card we stamped the For, Date, Time, Etc
**NOTE- make sure you have the elephant trunk facing down (hand down) when you stamp the For, Time, Etc or the elephant will be on it’s back.
How To Create The Caterpillar FingerPrint Child’s Art
- Buy your paints (I bought yellow and gold)
- In a paper plate I made 2 small piles of the paint
- I bought a pack of the card stock paper which was 9×11 and cut them in half
- With a sponge paint brush, I dipped it in and painted Prince’s pointer finger one color and the middle finger the other color
- Helping prince along we put his fingers together on the paper to create 2 small fingerprints. Do this 3 times next to each other for each caterpillar
- Let try
- With brown marker, make eyes, mouth, and feet on the legs of the caterpillar
These were so easy and everyone loved them.
Personalize it from the big brother or sister if you’re having a second baby shower or sprinkle
we wrote:
FOR: Mommy (Name) so everyone knew he was throwing this shindig
He is the host of the party!
What animals have you made with fingerprints or handprints? Tell us in the comments below.
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Oh I love this idea! Would be cute for Carter to send out invitations to family for his family birthday party! Such a neat idea!!! Thank you!