Having fun as a family is one of the most life-affirming things in the world. When two, or three, or more generations get together and are on the same wavelength, then it can be truly special. There is, often, a sense of fun and humor that unites generations – usually a puerile and stupid one that is all the more enjoyable as a result.
Sometimes it can seem like the window you have for this kind of family fun is a narrow one. Any parent will be familiar with the feeling of looking at a family day out and pausing. It seems like the kind of thing you’d enjoy as a family, but are some of the kids getting too old for it? It’s almost guaranteed that at some point in their teens, a kid will want to act more grown up.
At times like that, the absurd sense of fun and humor can be your savior. There are some experiences that you’re never too old for. Nor, as long as you can stand up, too young for.
Family Film Night: Pick The Right Movie
It used to be a case of standing in the DVD or, going back further, video section of a store and thinking “What’s a good family film?”. Now it’s more a case of flicking through movie streaming services looking for something that will work. The good news is, film directors and screenwriters have figured something out. If you make a movie good enough, it will work on all levels.
So while the kids are laughing at the silly noises and slapstick, teens and adults will enjoy the references that go over the little ones’ heads. There are dozens of films that work in this way. Find a good one, and you’ll get four of five watches out of it.
Play A Truly Silly Game
What age were you when you stopped running? It sounds like a bizarre question, I know. But it comes to all of us, except track athletes. At some point, you become too cool to expend real energy. Your sporting fantasies are replaced by leaning against a locker looking aloof. But the real you is in there somewhere.
It can be unlocked by an afternoon of bubble football or a similar game, which doesn’t require athletic ability. You don’t need to be David Beckham to play it. In fact, silky skills will be next to impossible. Most of your focus will be on trying to control a ball while encased in another ball. You will fall over. Everyone will. And the only injuries will come when your sides split from laughing.
A Classic Road Trip
When you have a weekend free as a family, a road trip to somewhere you love never stops being fun. The key is to pick somewhere that has multiple levels of attraction. Somewhere with an amusement park is often best. Mom and Dad can sit somewhere relaxing, and the kids can go to the arcade. If there are younger kids, Mom and Dad can supervise them in a soft play area.
What’s really important is that the destination is only part of the fun. The journey there should ideally not be hours of freeway driving. Go through open country, preferably with some wildlife along the way. This can prevent boredom and moodiness – but to be safe, maybe download some movies onto a tablet before you go.

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