We live in an era where we are constantly criticized. By both ourselves and others. Everywhere we go there are advertisements for products to make you more like the airbrushed models we see on every billboard and poster. Your waist could be thinner. Your bum could be perkier. Your smile could be brighter. We are part of a society that profits from our insecurities. But you don’t have to be drawn into this. It’s hard, but embracing your personal strengths and being openly proud of them is something we all need to start doing. It’s not vain. It’s not self-centered or narcissistic. It’s about not letting others get you down and revealing in yourself as you are. Here are a few tips for building up your self confidence.
Wear Less Makeup
Feel like going natural for the day? Then do it. You don’t have to wear makeup every time you go out in public. It’s not mandatory that you have concealer and eyeliner on in the workplace. Your natural beauty is just as good as anything a makeup brand can do for you. A day free of makeup will give your skin a good chance to breathe and recuperate.
Wear More Makeup
Got a new bright red lipstick that you’ve been wanting to try out but haven’t for fear of it being too bold? Just use it. If you want a full face of makeup and that’s what’s going to make you feel best and the most confident, then do it. Women are constantly being told to wear less or wear more. Just do what you want and what makes you feel the best in your skin.
Deal With Your Flaws
We all have flaws. But what you dislike about yourself, another might find beautiful or endearing. Place less focus on what you feel is worst in yourself and ask yourself what your better aspects are. Flaunt these. If you have a certain physical part of you that you don’t like, you can always consider plastic surgery. This is extreme, but if it makes you happier and is what you want, then there are few reasons to not consider it. Just remember to always use reputable professionals, such as Belcara Health. Never make this decision on an impulse. The results are often irreversible, so it’s important that this is what you truly want.
Go Braless
You heard us. Whether it’s just for a day or the long term. You know the liberating feeling you get when you take your bra off after a long day at work? Well why contain this comfort to your home? Why not be comfortable all day at work.
Go Full Corset
Some people love their bras. Some have larger breasts which need the support. Others just feel they accentuate their figure and like the aesthetic. If you’re an underwear fanatic, go wild and splurge on some new bras, corsets and babydolls. Treat yourself to satins, silks and lace.

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