Chaos! That is what it can feel like when you have a dinner party to organize. Of course, because there is so much to do, it is very easy to forget things, even if they are pretty essential to the success of your night. Happily, your chances of leaving important things out of your dinner party experience will be much lower if you check out our guide below.
Prep and cook the food beforehand.
First of all, whatever happens, do not make the mistake of forgetting to get ahead with the prep and cooking for your party, well ahead of time. In fact, you really don’t want to be cooking anything from starch on the night of the party unless it’s something that cannot be avoided, such as a rare steak, or a souffle.
To that end, it can really help to choose dishes that can be prepared and cooked beforehand and then heated back up for when your guests arrived. Something meals, including gratinated veggies and potatoes and even a hearty stew, are an excellent choice for.
Ask guests to bring a course.
Of course, you may decide that you don’t want to spend days leading up to your dinner party slaving away in the kitchen. In that case, be sure not to forget to ask your guests to help you out by bringing a course along with them.
In fact, this can be a straightforward way of hosting a successful dinner party without all the hard work, and more importantly, all the washing up that you will be left with at the end of the night. Something that can make it much more enjoyable for the host as well as just the guests.
Match the wine to the dishes you serve.
Most people remember to get in some drinks, including wine, for the dinner party. However, what they do tend to forget is to match the wine choice to the individual courses they are serving. That is, you shouldn’t just have a single type of red and a single type of white to offer your guests, but at least three different types of wine to compliment every course.
Of course, for this to work successfully, you will need to do a bit of research on wine ahead of time. Something you can go to places like to read more about. Just be sure to pick a wine that is bold enough to be interesting for your guests, but not so complex that is overwhelms the flavors in the dishes you are serving.
After dinner, treats for those with allergies.
Lastly, don’t forget that to round off any successful dinner party, you will want to offer some sweet treats to your guests. In fact, traditionally, this will include dessert as well as some after-dinner sweets and chocolates to serve with coffee.
Of course, what many people forget here is that it is surprisingly common for guests to have allergies to things like nuts and dairy these days. Something that makes getting dessert and after dinner treats right, quite tough. To that end, be sure to pick items like the ones at that comes without any dairy or nuts. Then everyone can enjoy a sweet conclusion to your successful dinner party.