Peru’s famous trail is a must for everyone. Image
Most holidaymakers can appreciate the fact that trekking has become more popular than ever. Not only do they offer a chance to test our bodies and learn more about ourselves. They often provide some of the most rewarding outcomes and spectacular sights. However, perhaps more than any other vacation type, choosing the right destination is vital. After taking the advice of a friend, I’m thrilled that I picked Machu Picchu.
Completing the Inca trail to the 15th-century civilization is a far cry from the Palm Beaches of Florida. I’m not saying the Peruvian adventure is better. Still, it’s certainly the one that provides more magical memories than any city break or beach trip I’ve ever enjoyed. For that reason alone, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience that everyone should get to enjoy.
Before thinking specifically about Peru and Machu Picchu, there are a few trekking tips that must be embraced. First and foremost, you’ll need to invest in the right footwear. Visit to see options for all feet types. Meanwhile, specialized socks and good walking attire are essential.
Other precautions include health insurance, injections, and packing the right skin care items. Those ideas ring true for all trekking vacations but are particularly crucial when opting for the trail to Machu Picchu. Even if you take the shorter routes, you’ll spend far too much time walking to be left uncomfortable or vulnerable.
Be prepared to be blow your mind. Image
The highlight of any trek revolves around the stunning sights that will greet you upon completion. You’ll literally feel on top of the world as scanning the beautiful horizons. However, the journey itself is packed with wonderful moments. These are far more frequent when you have an expert from at hand. Aside from the safety, they’ll take you on the best route for additional fun.
This can include seeing Peruvian pan musicians and stopping at certain lookout points. It’s not just about getting to see it all, though. This part of the world carries huge historical significance. Exploring it with a professional ensures that you gain an education about the things you’ll see and experience too. In my humble opinion, this undoubtedly takes things to the next level.
You might meet some friends on the journey too. Image
Words and photos can never do justice to the experience of reaching the end of the trail. Aside from gaining the best holiday snaps of your life, the trek provides a sense of self-accomplishment. Oh, and when you inevitably tuck into the glorious food waiting in the nearby tourist areas, there will be no guilt.
I’m not sure it’s a place you’d visit more than once, not least because you’ll relive it in your mind time and time again. Still, it’s an experience that all travel enthusiasts should gain. Meanwhile, doubling it up with a short stay in Cusco or a trip to Lima can provide some of the more traditional holiday joys. Either way, if you’re planning a trekking holiday, Peru’s iconic trail is a certain contender.
And anyone else that has visited will confirm it to be true.
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