Sometimes it is tough to put yourself first, especially when you have kids. But putting yourself first is truly one of the most important things that you can do. How do you expect to take care of your children properly if you aren’t in the best shape you can be in! That means emotionally, physically and mentally. Every single day you should try to set yourself up to have the best possible day. This way you can tackle the day ahead, totally stress-free, nothing and no one will be able to bring you down! You can handle anything coming your way! Here is how:
1) Let’s start off with the night before. You want to make sure that you get to bed nice and early so you can have the most sleep you can possibly get- remember that all the hours you sleep before 12 am count double so as soon as you can, hop in bed! Before you go to bed, do everything you can to ensure that the sleep you do get is good quality. Maybe have a nice bath with some relaxing bath oil in it that will help you sleep, it will get you in the right mood! Another thing you should do is to not have any tea or coffee in the evenings; it is so tempting to have a nice cup of tea or coffee if you feel like you can’t handle the day, but don’t do it! The caffeine will disturb your sleep, and you’ll end up exactly where you are right now! If you need something, go for a tea that is advertised as a night time tea and has absolutely no caffeine in it.
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2) Another important step is making sure that you start the day off right. You need to ensure that you wake up on the right side of the bed! To do this, you’re going to need a great mattress that works for you and your posture and all sorts of things like how hard you like your mattress to be. Make sure that you do loads of research into it. Read loads of reviews of potential mattresses. An example of this is the Saatva mattress has gotten some good reviews because of its price for what you get; you can read more at Once you’ve figured out what one you might be interested in, try and go for one where you get a couple of nights free trial. This way you’ll be able to see in person if it is the one for you!
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3) It goes without saying but another way in which you can have the best day possible is to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. It is so easy to do, and not enough people do it! You can read all about why you should be drinking more water here If you need a little help getting all the water that you should be drinking down you then maybe you should invest in a water bottle that has the times of the day written on it, this way you can see where you’re up to, and it doesn’t look so intimidating! Or if you didn’t want to go out and buy a new water bottle, you could simply take one you already have, divide up the sections and write the times of day on it in sharpie; this should give you that motivation that you need.
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4) Something that you can do throughout the day is to eat things that nourish you. You want to make sure that you are getting all the minerals and vitamins that you need. This way you always feel your best. If you can, try and eat meals that you have cooked from scratch. Go for something that is full of vegetables. You could try out his recipe as it has loads of vegetables and is something you could easily make the night before as it stores well! A tip for always getting good meals in and not running to the bakery on your lunch break is to make meals that can be saved well and bought into work. You just make a bit more at dinner, so it isn’t any extra effort at all!
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5) One thing you can do to have the best day you possible can is to make time for everything. No one wants that guilt at the end of the day because they didn’t fill out all the tax forms that they promised themselves they would. Make a list the day before of everything you want to achieve and have times included. This way you won’t miss anything out and will never have that guilty feeling again! Lists are always the most useful things if you follow them correctly.
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6) Find time to do something nice. Do you have a coworker who’s going through some tough things at home? On the way to work maybe, you could run into the shop and buy them their favorite treat to make their day a little bit better. Doing something nice for someone else always makes you feel amazing and will help you to have a better day. It doesn’t take any time at all, even if it is just to give a couple of people compliments, this will always raise your mood.
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7) You’ve heard this one a hundred times or more before exercise. That is because it is so true! There is nothing better that you can do for your body! It send endorphins to your head, making you happier! You don’t half to fork out hundreds of dollars to your local gym, or you don’t have to commit to three hours every day. There are so many exercises at home workouts that you can do! If you can find 20 minutes, you will thank yourself for it. A good way to get it done is while you’re cooking. During the time is takes your vegetables to cook, go in the next room and do your exercise. Leave the door open though so you can hear the beeps of the timer!
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