There are so many credit cards to choose from. They woo us with their programs and their low interest rates. Those rates usually only last for six months to a year and then they go up to 10- 15%, and that's if you have spectacular credit. Do not be late on these or you can face a … [Read more...]
Stationary Market – Personalized Children Gifts
Back before Christmas a friend of mine was really excited about her new client and offered me a couple items for my grandson. She didn't ask me to blog, vlog, tweet, or tell a soul about it. She wanted to give my prince a special gift. I looked through the site and picked out a … [Read more...]
Black Friday’s Best Deals
It has become a tradition for my daughters, my mom, and I to join the madness of Black Friday shopping. The last two years we initiated my niece to come along too. Weeks before we start making our list and checking it twice online for the ad leaks. Thanksgiving night, after … [Read more...]
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