The Pirates of The Caribbean fifth installment introduces us to Carina Smyth, a young adventurer and astronomer played by Kaya Scodelario. Accused of being a witch and sought after, she finds Henry Turner who in turn finds himself saving her life. Their paths are taking them both … [Read more...]
Exclusive Interview With Brenton Thwaites-Henry Pirates of the Caribbean
The last time we saw Henry Turner was with his mother, Elizabeth Swann when they stood on the shore to wait for Will Turner's ship, the Flying Dutchman, to appear. Due to the curse he is only able to appear for one day every ten years. Henry Turner, a headstrong young sailor in … [Read more...]
Exclusive Interview With Geoffrey Rush – Captain Hector Barbossa Pirates of the Caribbean
Geoffrey Rush, an Oscar, Emmy, and Tony Award-winning actor plays the staple salty pirate Captain Hector Barbossa in The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. Barbossa has been sparring with Jack Sparrow since the beginning, but this time he may need to work with … [Read more...]
Exclusive Interview With Javier Bardem – Captain Salazar Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men Tell No Tales introduces us to Captain Armando Salazar. Armando Salazar was the legendary Spaniard pirate hunter who murdered thousands of pirates. He sailed the mighty Silent Mary through the Caribbean over-powering all pirates and their … [Read more...]
Walt Disney’s Office Restored in Burbank California
Walt Disney is an icon and when you hear the stories about his personality, it would have been someone that must have been amazing to talk to. It's his imagination and dreams that have given us so much joy in everything Disney. He really knew how to pull the kid out … [Read more...]
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