As much as I love the holidays I have to admit spring is my favorite time of year. As soon as I hear the birds chirping I know that it’s not long before the warm weather and flip-flops are in full force. With the beginning of spring comes the beginning of spring cleaning, everyone’s favorite time of year (at least in my house-wink,wink). I spend days cleaning rooms, organizing the winter clutter, and trying to freshen up my house to get that nice spring scent. To me there is nothing better than the wonderful scent of fresh flowers. I used to be a candle junkie, but with a wild and crazy grandson (who often is pretending to be an animal), an open flame just doesn’t fit our lifestyle when he’s at our house.
I’m a huge Febreze fan and my addiction was fueled further with the set & refresh air freshener. I simply drop in the sent and leave it for 30 days… it doesn’t get any easier than that! This sweet pea petals scent is the perfect balance of fresh and flowery without overpowering and smelling like an air freshener has taken over my house. This portable freshener can easily be moved from room to room to really get that fresh Spring scent throughout the entire house!
But spring is more than just cleaning, spring means that we could take nice long walks and enjoy the sunshine and warm weather that we’ve long awaited. I love to grab Prince and go for walks down my street. This year will be even more fun because well take the puppy too! We check for bunnies and look at any other animals that may be coming out of hibernation. Going for a walk with a three-year-old really puts everything into perspective on how long the winter truly was and how much he’s grown. The big shocker was coming back to the house and noticing that my adorable puppy who was contained in the house all winter officially smells like a dog that has been running for hours after our walk. As much as I love my girl I don’t love that dog smell being all over my entire house. Luckily, this is where my Febreze NOTICEables come in handy. I simply plug-in, add the scent and rest assured that my house isn’t going to smell like dog forever.
I know that there is more to Spring than just a clean smelling home, but for me, a fresh smelling home is what kicks off the spring season!
What is your favorite spring scent? #FebrezeSpring
For more information on Febreze
Program Hashtag: #FebrezeSpring
I received this product but was not required to write about it, I wanted to share my thoughts with you so your house will smell great too!

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