The mythical fountain of youth is something that humans have been chasing for thousands of years. While it has yet to be found, the closest thing to it has been right under our nose the entire time: sleep. The problem is that you need to make sure you are getting the right amount each day; too much or too little will do you no good.
Seven to nine hours of sleep is the goal. However, quality of sleep matters, too. Restless sleep or sleep that is frequently interrupted will not produce the same benefits as 7-9 solid hours. If you are struggling with this, it would not hurt to see a doctor or sleep specialist to learn some strategies for improving your sleep.
But what exactly are the benefits of all this rest? Below are just a few things beauty sleep can do for you.
Reduce Wrinkles
By now, most of us know that collagen can reduce or prevent wrinkles, which is why many face creams have it as an ingredient. However, what most of us do not know is that our body produces it naturally during sleep. The less sleep you get, the less collagen you produce, and the more prone you are to wrinkles.
Improve Complexion
Being overly tired affects more of the body than you realize. Exhaustion can actually reduce blood flow, which ultimately dulls the look of the skin. When you rest well, blood flows as it should, brightening the look of your skin and giving you a radiant appearance.
Gives You More Energy
The more you sleep, the more energy you have. And that energy can be put to work in many ways, from making you more productive at work to helping you get in the exercise you need to keep yourself healthy. This is one benefit that cannot be overstated.
So if you aren’t getting the sleep you need, take some time to figure out the adjustments you need to make for a healthier, more beautiful you.
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