For the last couple months you’ve been going 90 miles per hour. You were so busy planning, shopping, wrapping, decorating, cooking, baking, creating lists and checking them twice, visiting, hosting and eating. You probably still have toys and bows dancing in your head. You have put the toys together, ate left overs until turkey, ham, or roast came out of your ears, cleaned up, and flopped on the couch with a big sigh of relief…… until …… you realize you have nothing to do. The excitement is over, you said to your self, “I can’t believe Christmas is over” OR “I can’t believe New Year’s is only a few days away. You are totally out of work mode and dread Monday.
When everything comes to a halt you may experience exhaustion (without a doubt), anxiety (you’re not sure what to do with your time), headaches, or insomnia. These are signs of depression but have no fear, you just need to beat the post holiday blues. If we couldn’t get out of it, we surely wouldn’t do it every year.
One of my favorite quotes:
I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up — they have no holidays. ~Henry Youngman
Your calender may be empty but it’s time you filled it up. Here are some ways to beat the holiday blues.
Pamper Yourself- Sure you had your nails done for the holidays but this time it’s for you. Schedule a mani/pedi and pick a fun design. Take an hour and schedule a message too, you deserve it!
Plan your world takeover- Depending what business you’re in, things are slow in January. Everyone is getting back into the swing of things. Make a list (yes time to make more lists) Write down short and long term goals and plan out your year ahead. Brainstorm with a friend if needed and get excited about what you have planned!
Create a vision board- This is combined with your world takeover. Maybe a long term plan is to save for Hawaii. Get a picture of a big palm tree and center that on your board.
Take a class – Need to improve in business skills? Maybe you’d like to learn to sew or play an instrument. Find one thing you’d like to learn and make the call.
Declutter- When I clean out draws, closets, and corners, I feel like I’ve accomplished so much. I call it Fung Shei (even though it’s not really what it is) If you’re a bit of a pack rat ask yourself if you used it in the past year. If not, toss it!
Volunteer – You may have donated for Christmas or wish you were able to volunteer at the local soup kitchen but those in need are still out there. This is a perfect time for you to give back. Now is when you have the time so give them a call.
Create a tradition- You have traditions for every holiday but how fun would it be for the kids if you have a mid-winter tradition. Think of something fun to do that includes the kids. Maybe a backwards day where you have cake for breakfast, cereal for lunch, and pancakes for dinner. Add in movies all day, crazy picture hour, and video game challenge kids vs parents will surely be a huge hit. The kids may think you’ve lost you’re mind but it will be something for you all to look forward to.
Whatever it is you decide to do, make sure it’s positive. Don’t forget to include the kids because they could have blues of their own. They’ve been on vacation and now have to go back to school after days of presents, sweets, and excitement.
I’ll leave you now to get to it while I go and demise my own world takeover! Let’s keep each other informed on Twitter or Instagram
What will be on your list?
Jane says
To help beat the blues, I still decorate with Snowflakes, Snowmen, lots of blues & aqua. We are de cluttering, reorganizing, and restoring an old home.
Sarah says
Beat the holiday blues with humor!