This post brought to you by Tom’s of Maine . The content and opinions expressed below are that of Tools 2 Tiaras.
As I travel this amazing world, I find more reasons why I want to join in to help keep its natural beauty. From the beaches of California to the snow peaked mountains of Vermont, I’m in awe at every site. I’m also a grandmother of three and I want to make sure the earth will be there for their grandchildren. I love to see them laughing, playing, and their excitement of each new bug they find, tree they climb, or mud pie they make.
I have never considered myself a “green” person or even eco-friendly but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to pitch in and help. I know a lot of “green” people and I admire how much they love the earth and how they live their life being so eco-friendly. To me, it seems like a huge commitment but I also understand if we take baby steps, we can learn how to make it habit and eventually it becomes painless. I’m going to share my 7 baby steps to live a more eco-friendly life, including Tom’s of Maine.
Every one of these are super easy and really take zero effort!
Less Paper – With the internet, it’s so easy to use less paper. You can go paperless on your bills and pay them online, create shopping lists in your phone or tablet. Are you a coupon shopper? There are now apps you can use which also save you a ton of time from sitting and cutting them all. If you do have to use paper, be sure to recycle it! According to the EPA, recycling one short ton (0.91 t) of paper you can save 17 mature trees.
Recycle – Be sure to recycle your newspaper, magazines, cans, and water bottles. It’s also extremely important to take paint cans, oil, etc to a facility that can properly dispose of it. Cut down on water bottles by getting a filter installed right on your faucet or purchase a water filtering product.
Canvas Bags – When I first started using canvas bags, I would always forget them. I folded them and placed them into one bag and put them in my trunk. The first time I used them was when I went to a club warehouse shopping and I saw how easy it was. I now always have my canvas bags with me and they have come in other uses many times!
Less Energy in the house – Anyone who pays the bills will appreciate this one. You are not only helping the environment but you’ll save money on your bills. Shutting lights when you leave a room, washing clothes on cold, keeping the thermostat lower, and unplugging appliances that aren’t in use will save energy. When drying clothes, throw your next load in when the dryer is still hot. It won’t need to heat back up so clothes will dry quicker. If it’s nice out, try using a clothes line. You can also keep your appliances running better by keeping up with the maintenance (cleaning out vents and cleaning).
Plant a tree – Maybe you think this one is very earthy crunchy but how cool would it be to plant a tree? We have planted a few in our yard and it’s pretty amazing to see how big they’ve grown in the 18 years we’ve lived here. If you don’t have a yard to plant a tree, there are many ways to still help. National Forests are always planting and you can donate money and a tree will be planted in your name. Check in your city for other programs too.
Littering – I don’t need to say much on this one. We were all taught at an early age not to litter yet when driving I see lots of garbage sprinkled along the roads. It’s simple find a trash bin and through your garbage there.
Tom’s of Maine – This one is new for me but I love everything about Tom’s of Maine Made to Matter collection at Target. I was skeptical about an all natural product wondering how could it possibly work. They caught my attention when I saw the products are free of artificial dyes, fragrances, flavors and preservatives, so I thought I’d give it a try.
My first product was Tom’s of Maine Luminous White ™ Toothpaste. This is their most advanced natural whitening toothpaste that is safe for enamel, and gluten and paraben free. It left a clean minty feel that lasted!
Why not get the family involved and let everyone start by trying one product!
- For the kids- Wicked Cool ™ Deodorant boys and girls
Tom’s of Maine first natural deodorants made just for boys and girls, providing 24-hour odor protection and free of aluminum, parabens, and artificial fragrances.
- For the hubby- Men’s Naturally Dry North Woods™ Antiperspirant
Tom’s of Maine first natural antiperspirant made for men that provides all day odor and wetness protection without petrochemicals, artificial fragrances, or irritation.
Tom’s of Maine Made to Matter collection is only available at Target. I’m sure you are already planning a Target trip so be sure to add Tom’s of Maine to your list.
What Baby Steps To Live a More Eco-Friendly Life Will You Take?

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