Every once in a while I love to take a few brainless minutes and answer a quiz. I thought Which Walking Dead Character Are You, would be perfect to share since everyone I know seems to love the zombies and this show. Of course I took the quiz and have no idea who the character is I identified with because……….I don’t watch it. I know don’t throw me to the zombies. I don’t like gore, although I did watch one episode because I was too lazy to find the remote and I asked my friend 100 questions.
Any way I came up as Carl Grimes- is this good or bad? I’m not sure. Go take your quiz and come back and share who you are and maybe when I finally start watching, I’ll learn a little bit more about you!

i got Carol Grimes as well HOWEVER the creator of the quiz is incorrect because Carols last name is not Grimes, its Peletier. Carol is badass and definitely the person to get you through the apocalypse!
I got Carl too LOL