This post is a sponsorship agreement with Poise Microliners for Socialstars. All opinions are my own! #PoisewithSAM
This month has been a non-stop travel excursion from New England to LA. When traveling you need to make sure you have your essentials like toothpaste, panties, and makeup but there’s also a personal list that I call 5 Must-Have Confidence Items For Your Travel Bag. When life throws it’s curve balls at you, we sometimes need to make sure we keep our confidence up. That could be through chatting with friends, how we dress, or reading something positive. Whatever it is we do we also need to be prepared for life’s unexpected moments. Our travel bag needs change as we get older and my secret “confidence” travel goodies will be sure to keep you happy throughout any trip!
- Breath Mints- These babies are great for any bag. You never know who you will need to talk to after you just downed a sandwich with onions
- Boob Tape- There are some tops that you can’t wear a push-up bra with so tape those babies up! If boobs are already to your knees, duct tape will do!
- Poise Microliners– Life’s little leaks happen and who wants to cough, sneeze, laugh, or dance and have to change panties.
- Happy Pills- If you’re subscribed that happy pill so you won’t kill, please make sure to include these. Happy Happy Happy!!
- Batteries- sizes vary
Can you tell me a scenario where you would need all these items? I’d love to hear your story OR tell me my story and why I needed these items!
visit: POISE for a FREE SAMPLE and try it for yourself. You’ll be surprised at how thin it is!

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