Are you thinking about starting a new business? Or are you overwhelmed and overworked in your existing one?
Then, you need to meet my good friend and respected business strategist, Carol Roth.
Carol has a dynamic new book called The Entrepreneur Equation which I believe is essential reading if you want to thrive as an entrepreneur. This is not the “same-old” re-hashed business B.S., but a no-nonsense book on how to stack the odds of business success in your favor and succeed in business for the long term.
After all, Carol has an amazing background in not only helping entrepreneurs like you, but she’s helped companies raise over $1 billion in capital. She knows her stuff, which is why MSNBC, FOX Business and many other business outlets consistently feature Carol’s advice.
I believe this book should be required reading for both aspiring and existing business owners alike. I also want to make you aware of the creative pre-launch contest Carol’s put together:
By clicking on the link above, you’ll see some of the amazing bonus offers that Carol is giving away to readers who buy the book this week, including an exclusive 3-part Audio Series: Strategies for Getting Your Company, Your Product or Yourself on TV & Other Free Press! with Emmy award winners, TV anchors and PR veterans. And, you’ll get the scoop on the generous prizes offered by entrepreneurs you respect and admire, including Alexis Neely, Liz Strauss, Michael Port and many more.
And, here’s the best part. For every book purchased this week, Carol will be donating one book to, the national business non-profit, as a way to help as many entrepreneurs as possible to succeed.
So, I encourage you to grab one (or more) copies of Carol’s book to support your entrepreneurial goals and success while furthering a great cause:
By the way, if you want to donate the books to SCORE, you can still keep the entries and other bonuses for yourself, so be sure to check out the list of bonuses by clicking on the link above.
Once your done ordering your book, come back here and RSVP!
What: Twitter Party for Carol Roth- Author of The Entrepreneur Equation
Where: On Twitter with tag #EntEq
When: Thursday, February 17th, 9:00 pm ET
Who: Be sure to follow – Moderators– @RachelFerrucci @CarolJSRoth Panelists: @mommadjane @complicatedmama @Elizabeth_N @sweetsadiemarie @marybabysteps
Prizes: valued at over $1000
A 6-pack of Godiva Chocolate bars (3 milk and 3 dark)
A Touch’d Bath and Body Foaming Salt Soak
2 copies of The Entrepreneur Equation
2 Carol Roth The Entrepreneur Equation Dolls
A 30 minute business strategy session with Carol Roth ($750 value)
RSVP by entering your Twitter name (@YOURNAME) in the comments to be entered for the door prize and for extra entries Tweet the following:
Thinking about starting a business? Join @CarolJSRoth Thurs. 2/17 @9pm ET-RSVP #EntEq Pls RT

RSVP’ing @tiffany053p
@superdumb will be there!
i tweeted @tiffany053p
Awesome, Rachel. Can’t wait to be there! Thanks for having me.
rsvping @sunrae17
rsvp @wldflowur13
i tweeted!/wldflowur13/status/38259646531768320
I can’t make it tonight – it is my son’s birthday but I tweeted for you!
RSVP’ing @Unkatchable73
@blandrews13 looking forward to the party
@carnivalfanatic tweeted!/carnivalfanatic/status/38316313071976448
RSVP @ChaoticKarma23 & I tweeted –>
@coscfo and @brightrize will be there!
@handcraftkaren will be there
@morriska372 I’ll be there! RSVP
I tweeted about the party @morriska372!/morriska372/status/38417565659308032
RSVP @paulakap8
Lookin forward to it!
RSVPing – @LemonConnection