We begin with a flashback of Bob before he was with the prison group. We see that he meets up with Daryl & Glen on the road, answers the 3 questions & they take him in. Fastforwarding to the present Bob, Maggie & Sasha are under attack in heavy fog but fight their way out. They decide to get on the move and come across the same sign about a sanctuary that they other group members have seen. After a minute they convince Sasha to go & they take off up the railroad tracks. Daryl is teaching Beth to track using a walker as game but as she sneaks up on him she steps in a foot trap. Beth says she is ok & they take off. Once reaching a house on the far side of a graveyard Beth tells Daryl that she needs to rest, obviously due to her foot. They briefly stop at a grave that says beloved father then Daryl decides to carry Beth to the house so they can seek shelter.
At the house Daryl goes in first checking for walkers & as they go from room to room they come across a open casket with a body inside. The house is immaculate, obviously someone has been cleaning it. After that they find bandages to patch up Beths foot. They are sitting at the table eating and it is apparent that Daryl has developed feelings for Beth and I think that she is beginning to have feelings for Daryl! With the day over Daryl secures the house while Beth is playing the piano & singing. When Daryl comes in he jumps in a casket to go to sleep, telling Beth that it is the most comfortable bed he’s had in years!
Meanwhile, Sasha is still not convinced that they should go to the survivors camp & tells Bob that they should stop in a town to set up a place to stay. In the morning Maggie takes off on her own, leaving a note written in dirt telling them not to risk their lives for her. Bob wants to go after her but clearly Sasha doesn’t. On the tracks Maggie is checking out another sign for the camp when a walker walks up behind her. Maggie kicks the walker to the ground & after she kills it begins to cut open her stomach digging around inside!
On Maggies trail Bob & Sasha come across her recent kill and a message written in blood to Glen, directing him to head for the camp. Daryl & Beth are getting ready to eat when they hear a noise at the front of the house. When he goes to check it out Daryl only finds a mangy dog at the front door. It appears Daryl is beginning to have feelings for Beth, maybe a little more than friends. When they hear a noise at the front door Daryl thinks it’s the dog & opens it up without looking first & there is a pack of walkers at the door. He tells Beth to meet him at the road and he leads them away before he escapes to meet her. When he gets to the road he sees her bag on the ground and a car speeding away. Daryl takes off on foot after the car.
Daryl has chased the car on foot all night sticking to the road but it looks like Beth is gone. Bob & Sasha find another one of Maggie’s messages to Glen. As they come to a town Sasha tries to convince him to stop at a building so they build a camp. As they come closer to it Sasha pushes harder for Bob to stay with her. After an intimate kiss, Bob he takes off up and heads up the tracks in search for Maggie leaving Sasha behind. Heading into the building Sasha makes her way to the second floor. When she looks out the window she sees Maggie laying on the ground between two dead walkers. Pressing on the window Sasha knocks it out bringing walkers right to Maggie then Sasha runs outside to help her get away. Sasha and Maggie take out the walkers & Maggie convinces Sasha to press on and head for the survivor camp.
Sitting in the road Daryl is approached by the same group that invaded the house where Rick was staying. After a short standoff it appears for now he will be going with them. Back on the tracks Maggie & Shasha catch up with Bob & they head after the sanctuary. We close the episode with Glen reading one of the signs on the track for the sanctuary. As of now we don’t know where Beth ended up, so hopefully next week we will see.
Do you think that Daryl will find Beth? What about Glen & Maggie, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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