This week we begin with Beth and Daryl running away from a small herd of walkers. It’s dark and they emerge from the woods to find an abandoned car sitting in the road. Beth tries to start it while Daryl keeps watch but it’s dead. They jump in the trunk and tie it shut, when the sun comes up it appears the walkers have moved on. They salvage what they can and take off.
The two of them have set up a small camp with a perimeter alarm & a small lean tent. Beth is at the camp digging a hole for a fire while Daryl is out hunting. With a squirrel in his sights Daryl takes a shot, missing the squirrel and breaking his arrow! After missing the squirrel he comes across a rattlesnake and seizes the opportunity for dinner. Meanwhile Beth built a fire using a car mirror & broken glass that she salvaged from the abandoned car. While they eat Beth tells Daryl that she wants to have a drink, a real drink. Being so young when the apocalypse began & Herschel having a drinking problem she never had the opportunity!
Once again Beth takes off but this time her mission isn’t to find her sister it’s to find a drink! Daryl saying nothing just keeps eating his “snake Jerky” as Beth called it while she walks away. Soon after leaving she runs into a few walkers but is able to hide from them with Daryl showing up just as they stumble away & they push on to find Beth that drink. Arriving at a run down golf course they head inside. With walkers at nearly every turn they navigate their way through the clubhouse, coming across bags of money & jewelry. When Daryl grabs them Beth asks him why he was taking that stuff. After all it is worthless she says, but Daryl just keeps shoving it in his bag & doesn’t say a word. They finally make it to the bar where Beth finds a half drank bottle of peach schnapps. She sits at the bar
while Daryl throws darts ready to have her first drink & breaks out in tears. Apparently the weight of losing her father then being separated from Maggie is weighing on her. Daryl walks over grabs the bottle & shatters it on the floor telling Beth that her first drink is not going to be peach schnapps!
Daryl brings Beth to a small house in the woods that he found with Michonne. Opening the door to the Still Daryl tells Beth to grab the moonshine. They clear the house, then sitting down at the table Daryl pours Beth a shot. Daryl boards up a couple of windows and then Beth finally convinces him to have a drink with her. Daryl tells her that he grew up in a house just like that where his father would sit in the living room & shoot statues off the TV. He gives her a small glimpse of how horrible his childhood was.
Beth and Daryl sit in the floor playing a drinking game where they tell each other things that they have done in their life. After a few shots & confessions Beth upsets Daryl with her questions and he starts shouting. The walker that is outside begins to beat at the door and Daryl drags Beth outside to put him down. He shoots him through the chest pinning him to a tree & shooting him over and over. Beth screams to finish him but finally just does it herself. Still fighting with each other Beth tells Daryl to quit pretending that he doesn’t feel anything & that no one meant anything to him, prompting Daryl to break down in tears.
They spend their evening on the porch of the house talking and Daryl finally reveals that before the apocalypse he had no job. He just followed Meryl around doing whatever he said. He tells her that he was nobody just doing nothing. Beth tells Daryl that he is good and that he has to hold on to the person he became during his time with the group. Then they decide to burn down the house, gathering all the moonshine that was left they drench the house & walk outside. Daryl grabs a stack of the money he took from the golf course asking Beth to light it. They toss the money inside and the place goes up in flames. Walking away they stop to look back and then our episode ends with Beth and Daryl giving the house & the Past the finger! Maybe Daryl can finally move on & escape the pain of his childhood. Can’t wait to see where they end up next week!
What do you think about what Daryl did before the apocalypse? Was it what you expected?

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