As we watched the refresher from the mid-season finale it becomes very clear that the illusion of a normal life is completely gone for all of the prison occupants. The episode begins with Michonne walking back to the prison from the woods. She navigates her way through the walkers to the gates just behind the wooded barricades. Two walkers impale themselves getting stuck on the barricade. Michonne cuts some rope from the gates and creates two new walker companions then takes off. Before she makes it away from the prison she comes across Herschels Zombie Head chomping at her from the ground. She puts him down and continues on her way!
Next we flash to Carl & Rick walking down the road, Carl is ahead and picking up speed while Rick still beaten and battered falls behind. Rick calls out telling him to slow down but Carl is obviously upset with Rick. On their journey they pass a bar & go inside to see if there is any supplies to be had. There is one walker inside trapped behind a makeshift wall of chairs & furniture. They find a note saying “Please do what I couldn’t”, they see some supplies behind the walker & they decide to draw him out so Rick can put him down with a hatchet. They move the chairs and the walker is heading for Rick, he lodges the hatchet into his head but it isn’t enough to stop him. After struggling for a few seconds Carl shoots the walker. Rick is obviously hurt badly & very weak from his battle with The Governor. Rick is upset with Carl for wasting the bullet saying that he had it under control. Carl snarles back and they move on to gathering what supplies & food they can. Each with a bag of supplies they come together at a table and Rick asks Carl how he made out. Carl Replies only by saying “I won” & they head out again.
They pass some houses and at the second one Rick says to Carl that “this one is as good as any”. They clear the house Carl seeming more agitated with Rick at every corner. Carl finds a boys room upstairs with a big screen TV, video game system, and guitar, for a minute he seemed excited to remember what life was like before. Then reality sets back in and he strips the TV of all its cables to tie the door shut downstairs. It’s getting dark & Rick tells Carl to eat but he refuses over and over. Rick finally gets upset and throws the food down telling him to eat now & walks out. Rick heads to the bathroom, looking in the mirror & removes his shirt revealing very bad bruising on his ribs and just how bad he is injured.
The next morning Carl wakes up then heads to the kitchen to grab some food, he takes a walk upstairs to the boys room where he spends some time reading and after a while he heads back downstairs to check on Rick. He tries to wake him but Rick simply will not wake up. Carl shouts to him “Wake Up, Wake Up” but nothing. The noise drew walkers and they are trying to break the front door in where Rick is sleeping.
Carl draws them away so he can put them down but runs into trouble when a walker blind sides him. He falls but is able to shoot the first with it falling on top of him, then the second and the third. He manages to get out from under the pile but not before the rotting maggot infested skull of one walker makes him vomit. He takes a step back and again says “I Won”.
Carl continues on to find another house to scavenge. In the kitchen he finds food and then continues up stairs to see what else he can find. Upstairs all the doors are open except one. He clears the rooms with open doors then moves to the last where he opens the door and a walker instantly attacks! Carl tries to shoot him but misses & he just keeps coming. Carl tries to retreat to another room but knocks over a book shelf & the books jam the door. Unable to get out through the window Carl fights his way back to the door but not before the walker trips him up and pulls his shoe off trying to take a bite of his leg! He kicks the books out of the way just in time to slam the door. Finding some chalk he writes on the door. Walker inside, he got my shoe but he didn’t get me!
Carl spends the afternoon eating a huge can of chocolate pudding on the roof of the porch as the walker he trapped in the bedroom tries to get through the window but it doesn’t bother Carl while he munches on pudding!
Michonne is sleeping in a car & dreaming of what is was like before the apocalypse. She is cutting food with her sword while her husband & friend are at the table waiting. Her son comes running into the kitchen & she serves the tray to them. When she looks up they are at the table without arms, are walkers & her son is gone. She is screaming & wakes up in the car. We see that the reason she kept the walkers with her for so long was because they were very close to her. She takes off and is walking through the woods with a pack of walkers when she breaks down and kills her two pets then she takes out the whole herd before she breaks down in tears. She heads back to the road where she saw some tracks where Rick and Carl where walking & she takes off after them.
Back at the house Carl comes in and is talking to Rick while he is out cold. He tells him that while he was sleeping he killed the walkers outside and he saved him. He tells him that it’s his fault that the prison fell and that Judith & so many of their friends are gone or dead. Carl says that he didn’t forget how to survive while Rick had them playing farmer, that he doesn’t need Rick anymore. It seems that Carl has finally got everything off his chest. As he waits Rick begins to twitch & Carl is afraid that the worst has happened. Carl retreats across the room and grabs his gun. Rick falls from the couch and pulls himself toward Carl. Carl draws his gun but breaks down and can’t finish Rick. He tells him to do what he has to because he can’t pull the trigger. Suddenly Rick speaks to him and Carl realizes that he isn’t a walker and that he really does need Rick.
On the road Michonne comes across the empty pudding can and begins searching houses. She finally walks up to the house where Carl and Rick are and sees them through the window. On the porch she is so happy that she starts to cry. Sitting on the floor Carl tells Rick about the day & the walkers etc. He tells Rick that he found more food but he ate it. Rick ask him what it was and Carl replies “It was 112 Oz of Chocolate Pudding. As they are laughing there is a knock at the door. Rick Looks through the peep hole & laughs, turning to Carl he says “Its for you”!
It appears that the rest of this season we will see what the group is really made of as they try to navigate alone. I look forward to seeing some more history on our favorite characters & finding out where they all have been!
Until next week!

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