Etching Glass is easy and fun. You get to customize anything that is glass for yourself or as a gift. You can etch glasses, plates, vases, windows, and anything you can think of.
My BFF and I started etching glass many years ago and have saved lots of money on Christmas gifts over the years.
- Masking Tape
- Contact Paper
- Stencil
- Etching brush
- Etching cream (Armor Etch)
- Glass object
- Exacto knife
- Windex or Rubbing Alcohol
- Piece of cardboard
How To Etch
- Place contact paper onto cardboard (This will protect the surface your working on)
- Place Stencil onto contact paper, tape all sides so it doesn’t move
- Carefully cut out stencil with the Exacto knife (This takes the longest – I hold the knife on an angle)*** The part that is cut out will be what is etched on the glass***
- Clean the area on the glass where you’ll be etching with Windex or rubbing alcohol
- Carefully peel off the backing off your contact paper and stick to the cleaned glass***Make sure there are no folds or bubbles- Check all areas around opening on securely stuck on***
- Apply etching cream to opened areas (design) with brush in a dabbing motion being careful not to life the contact paper with the brush ** I use Armor Etch
- Leave on approximately TEN minutes
- Rinse with water
- Remove contact paper and wash
You may not see the design while wet but as it dries you will see it clear! The plate above was a gift for my husband. If you don’t know what that logo is, it’s the New York Yankees etched on a blue glass plate.
Some ideas:
Votive candle holders for holidays- (4) N O E L
For a bridal shower – (4) L O V E
Beer glasses, wine glasses with initials

I have always wanted to try to etch something, and you make it look so easy. I will have to give this a try myself. Great gift ideas too!
Very cool! I haven’t done this in ages. I should try again!
Beautiful! I’ve always wanted to do this on our shower door – but maybe I should start small!! ha/ha Pinned & Tweeted!
Cool idea!
I like to collect bottles and this would be a nice way to add some zing. (Thank you for validating my hoarding.)
You know I went to the craft store the other day to find etching cream because the mirror I created today was supposed to have an inspirational message on it, but I couldn’t find it or anything I was looking for at the time, so my project went in a different direction. But I’m dying to try it! Like really! REALLY! Thanks for sharing the how to’s.
You make it sound so easy. Need to save glass bottles and plates to try. Thanks for sharing.